机构地区: 南阳师范学院环境科学与旅游学院,河南南阳473061
出 处: 《南阳师范学院学报》 2017年第8期31-35,共5页
摘 要: 依据"两型"产业的内涵,借鉴相关学者"两型社会""两型产业"评价的研究成果,从资源节约度、环境友好度以及产业经济发展程度三个方面构建评价指标体系,运用物元可拓综合评价法对中原经济区"两型"产业区域差异进行综合评判。结果表明:在中原经济区30个地市中,多指标综合关联度评判属于B级的地市最多,其次是属于C级的地市,再次是属于A级的地市,属于D级的地市数量最少,各地市"两型"产业发展差异明显;单指标关联评判进一步揭示了各地市"两型"产业发展的具体差异,为各市"两型"产业发展决策指明方向。 According to what is implied in the notion of “ two- oriented” industry and in light of the research fruits of related scholars pertaining to the two-oriented society and the two-oriented industry, this paper attempts to construct a comprehensive evaluation index system of two-oriented industry to examine the regional differences among cities in the Central Plains Economic Region from such three major aspects as resource conservation, environmental friendli-ness , and development status of relevant industries. The evaluation module of the two-oriented industry is construc-ted by means of matter-element analysis and the weights of the indicator are calculated by primary component analy-sis (PCA ) . The results indicate that the two-oriented industry of 30 cities in the Central Plains Economic Region can be divided into four grades, with most cities belonging to the B- grade, to be followed in descending order by the C- grade, the A -grade, and the D-grade respectively. Hence, it is concluded that there is significant difference in the development of “two- oriented” industries among 30-strong cities in the Central Plains Economic Region. The idiographic difference in the two-oriented industry is illuminated farther by an analysis of single-indicator correla-tion. The results of the study are of reference to cities in the Central Plains Economic Region in their decision-mak-ing process.