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Artificial and natural oasis mutual converting process and the proper ration in the middle reaches of Tarim River basin

作  者: (陈超群); (吴煜); (王健); (赵新风); (赵乐);

机构地区: 新疆兵团勘测设计院(集团)有限责任公司,新疆乌鲁木齐830002

出  处: 《水资源与水工程学报》 2017年第3期42-47,54,共7页

摘  要: 利用1990、2000、2010年3期Landsat TM/ETM遥感影像,基于RS/GIS技术,分别提取土地利用/覆被类型信息,分析1990-2010年,塔里木河中游人工绿洲和天然绿洲的变化规律及其比例,探讨该区人工绿洲和天然绿洲的适宜配比。结果表明:1990-2010年,塔里木河中游人工绿洲不断扩张,天然绿洲面积不断缩小,1990-2010年人工绿洲面积增加了2 296.69 km^2,天然绿洲面积减少了2 221.5 km^2,扩张速度为114.83 km^2/a,减小速度为111.08 km^2/a;1990-2010年间,塔里木河中游表现为人工绿洲替代天然绿洲的趋势:草地、林地等向耕地转化,草地、林地等向人工建筑用地转化;植被长势衰退:高覆盖草地向中、低覆盖草地转化,中覆盖草地向低覆盖草地转化,灌木林地逐渐退化为草地,低覆盖草地向沙漠转化;塔里木河中游人工与天然绿洲面积比例在近20年呈增加的趋势,在1990、2000、2010年,人工与天然绿洲面积比值分别是1∶39.7,1∶17.4,1∶9.8,平均每增加1份人工绿洲面积就要失去1.7份天然绿洲面积。 Based on the Landsat TM/ETM remote sensing images of the middle reaches of Tarim-river basin, using RS/GIS technologies, the land use/cover type information in 1990, 2000 and 2010 was extracted in this paper, the changing rule and the area ratio of the artificial and the natural oases was analyzed, and the suitable area ratio of the artificial and natural oasis was discussed.The results showed that: From 1990 to 2010, artificial oasis expanded continuously, natural oasis area in the middle reaches of Tarim River basin shrank, artificial oasis area increased 2296.69 km2, and natural oasis area decreased 2221.5 km2, the expansion speed was 114.83 km2/a and the decreasing speed was 111.08 km2/a.From 1990 to 2010, there was a trend of natural oasis replaced by artificial oasis, grassland and forest land transformed to arable land, The vegetation growing declined: high covered grass transferred to middle and low covered grassland, middle covered grass changed to low covered grassland, shrub land gradually degraded to grassland, and low covered grassland changed to desert.The artificial and natural oasis area ratio increased in recent 20 years, in 1990, 2000, 1990, artificial and natural oasis area ratiowere 1∶39.7,1∶17.4 and 1∶9.8 respectively.When there was increase of 1 artificial oasis area 1.7 natural oasis area would lose.

关 键 词: 人工绿洲 天然绿洲 转化过程 适宜比例 塔里木河中游




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