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Integrated simulation and forecast of upstream and downstream coastline evolution at Friendship Port in Mauritania

作  者: (王宁舸); (孙林云); (孙波); (唐磊);

机构地区: 南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,江苏南京210029

出  处: 《海洋工程》 2017年第4期69-75,共7页

摘  要: 毛里塔尼亚友谊港处于典型的强沿岸输沙型沙质海岸,年平均沿岸输沙量为90×10~4~100×10~4m^3。由于防波堤工程对上游沿岸输沙的拦截,港区岸线冲淤变化强烈。根据实测资料分析,采用基于"一线理论"的岸线演变数学模型,对友谊港上下游岸线变化作了整体验证,统筹分析了港口工程对上游淤积和下游冲刷的影响。在此基础上,进一步预测了友谊港未来20年的岸线变化情况。结果表明,在港区现有建筑物布置情况下,下游岸线的大幅冲刷将危及陆域土堤的安全,是友谊港未来防护的重点之一。若考虑每隔一定年限在下游增建丁坝工程,形成丁坝群护岸工程,可延长下游岸线的冲刷防护范围,减小对陆域建筑物的威胁。 The Friendship Port in Mauritania is located in a typical sandy beach which has strong longshore sediment transport. The annual volume of the transport is 0. 9-1 million cubic meters. The coastline erodes and deposits strongly due to the interception of upstream longshore sediment transport by the breakwater. According to the analysis on measured data, a " one-line theory " mathematical model is used to validate the integrated evolution of the upstream and downstream coastline,and comprehensively analyze the influence of harbor engineering to the upstream deposition and downstream erosion. Based on the model,coastline changes of the Friendship Port in the future 20 years are further predicted. The results show that the substantial erosions in the downstream will endanger the dike in the condition of the existing structures layout,which is one of the protection focuses of the Friendship Port in the future. If additional new groins are built at a specified time interval in the downstream,namely building groin groups,the protected scope of the downstream coastline will be extended.

关 键 词: 友谊港 沿岸输沙 岸线演变 上下游整体 数值模拟 岸线防护


作者 黄伟力
作者 周艳利
作者 余壮雄
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作者 林国彬


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 中山大学岭南学院
机构 中山大学环境科学与工程学院环境气象研究所
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚