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Li Ruzhen's Thought on Revealing “Money as the Source of Life of the World”

作  者: (沈端民);

机构地区: 湖南大学文学院,湖南长沙410079

出  处: 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2017年第3期22-30,共9页

摘  要: "钱"是"人人所爱"的"养命之源"。李汝珍将这一世人皆信皆崇的经典言论作为一条红线贯穿于《镜花缘》故事情节的始终,作为塑造人物形象的主要素材,并用以强烈地表达其创作的主题思想。人是社会的人,是社会整体浓缩的个体。个体需要从整体的各个方面连续不断地吸取营养。大河涨水小河满,只有努力开拓、丰富社会整体的钱脉,个体才有取之不尽用之不竭的营养,其生命才能蓬蓬勃勃,发达旺盛。钱的问题要用钱去解决。怎样用钱开拓钱源?或用钱做有力武器以打开闭关自守的铁门;或用"钱"作为可信凭证以促进社会商品的积极交换;或用钱做劳动报酬以奖励人与人的互相帮助;或用钱做重量单位计算用药重量以提高药物疗效;或用钱做桥梁以畅通人际的频繁交往。如此多管齐下,可使钱这个养命之源"源"源不断,"源"远流长,可使人命之养得到充分的保证。 "Money" is "beloved by people" as the " source of life" . This well - believed and well - worshiped classical view is used by Li Ruzhen as a red line running through the story "Marriage of flowers in the mirror", as the main material for shaping the characters, and as a way to strongly express his creative ideas. People are societal people, and they are in- dividuals concentrated from the whole society. Individuals need the whole society Is nourishment of all aspects. Rivers swollen streams. For individuals, only when they work hard on opening up and enriching the source of money for the whole society can they have an inexhaustible supply of nutrients and thrive and develop their lives. Solving money prob- lems needs money. How to use money to open up the source of money? Use money as strong weapons against the closed - door policy ; or use "money" as a credible document that promotes the active exchange of goods in the society ; or use money to reward workers and to reward people helping each other; or use money as a unit of weight to weight medicine and to improve medicine efficacy; or use money to bridge interpersonal contact. This many - pronged approach can make money as a steady and long - standing source of life and can ensure the nutrients for the source of life.

关 键 词: 李汝珍 镜花缘 养命之源


作者 陈芳
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机构 广州华商职业学院
机构 广州大学
机构 河源职业技术学院


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作者 康秋实
作者 康超
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