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A preliminary analysis on “preventive treatment of diseases” in traditional chinese medicine

作  者: (何建国); (王瑞超);

机构地区: 白求恩国际和平医院256临床部综合内科,河北正定050800

出  处: 《内蒙古中医药》 2017年第13期143-145,共3页

摘  要: 目的:"治未病"是传统中医特有的预防医学理论,其实质是对生命的尊爱,最终目的是人与自然、与社会的和谐统一,以及人自身的形神整体合一。方法:了解疾病的起因,采取内养外防、有病早治及瘥后调摄等多种综合措施。结果:"治未病"其宗旨就是培育正气,抵御外邪,即"正气存内,邪不可干"。从而达到防病祛疾益寿延年。结论:中医"治未病"思想显现了未来世界医学发展的趋势,是当前最有可能带动我国科技创新并领先世界,它将开创世界新的医学理念及模式,并将引领人类健康事业发展的方向。 Objective:With the essence of loving life, "preventive treatment of diseases is a specific theory of preventive medicine in TCM and its ultimate aim is the harmony and unity between man and nature and between man and society, and the integration and combination between mind and body in man. Methods:To understand the cause of diseases and to take various comprehensive measures such as building up one's resistance to diseases and preventing pathogens from entering the body, early treatment and regulation after recovery from diseases. Results The aim of "preventive treatment" is to cultivate the genuine energy(qi) and to resist the exogenous pathogenic factors, i.e. "when the genuine energy(qi) is internally stored, the pathogens cannot enter the body", reaching the prevention and treatment of diseases and longevity. Conclusions The idea of "preventive treatment of diseases" in TCM shows the development trend of the world medicine in the future. At present, it is very likely to promote China's scientific and technological innovation and to reach the leading level of the world. It will create a new medical concept and mode in the world and will lead the direction of the development of human health cause.

关 键 词: 治未病 原则 方法 中医 模式


作者 杨怀玫
作者 曹越
作者 潘华峰
作者 席薇
作者 张林廷


机构 广州中医药大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 广州体育学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 深圳信息职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚