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Reflections on the Discipline Construction of Forestry Economy

作  者: (李周);

机构地区: 中国社会科学院农村发展研究所,北京100732

出  处: 《林业经济问题》 2017年第3期88-96,共9页

摘  要: 学科建设是同科学研究相联系的。狭义的科学研究是指在现有学科体系里寻求知识增量、纠正知识偏差、进行知识更新和完善知识体系的活动。广义的科学研究除狭义的科学研究外,还包括应用现有学科知识解释现实中的现象、解决现实中的问题的活动。所谓学科建设就是把狭义的科学研究中获得的新成果充实到学科体系中的活动。学科建设的任务是使学科体系更加完备、学科知识更加精准,使其能解释更多的经济现象和解决更多的经济问题,使他人能更容易地掌握和应用学科知识体系。开展学科建设,首先要制定学科建设规划,其次要组织好学科建设团队,第三要构建学科建设激励机制。中国的做法有很大的不同。比较和分析这些不同,可以获得各种各样的证据,发现各种各样的智慧,总结出各种各样的经验,抽象出各种各样的范式。学科建设规划要有阶段性、优先序和可及性,要选好团队领军人物、细化团队结构和动态优化团队,要确定学科建设任务、设置预研性课题,要做好文献综述和方法论评估,并针对学科建设中暴露出来的问题进行学科建设规划、方案、路径以及领军人物和成员的调整。 ⑴Discipline construction goes hand in hand with scientific research.In a narrow sense,scientific research refers to explore increments of knowledge,correct understanding bias of knowledge,update knowledge,and improve and perfect the systems of knowledge within an existing discipline system.In a broad sense,scientific research in further refers to explain the phenomena and solve the problems in the real world by using the existing discipline knowledge.In terms of discipline construction,it is the activities to add the new understanding and achievements obtained from the scientific researches into the discipline system.The task of discipline construction is to perfect the discipline system,to precise the discipline knowledge,to make it possible to explain more economic phenomena and solve more economic problems,and to make it more understandable and easier to use.The driving force of discipline construction comes from the curiosity and responsibility of teachers and researchers.⑵The content of discipline construction includes testing and verifying,improving,updating and extending the existing knowledge,creating new knowledge,and upgrading knowledge system.For instance,upgrading the knowledge system from sustainable use of timber to the eco-function of forest system and the sustainable use of landscape and services;improving the scientific method from experience approach to experimental approach;improving the data use from predicting the future based on historic data to forecasting the future based on constantly updated big data;improving from induction of discipline progress to deduction of discipline outlook,and from China's evidence to China's experience and paradigm.⑶To carry out discipline construction,the first step is making a discipline construction scheme;the second step is organizing a discipline construction team,and the third step is establishing an incentive mechanism.The discipline construction must base on local practices.In Chinese contexts,many statements are similar,but the practices are quit

关 键 词: 林业经济 学科建设 科学研究


作者 何伟
作者 韩垂辉
作者 孙建
作者 吕树庭
作者 王蕙


机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚