机构地区: 安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院,安徽蚌埠233030
出 处: 《通化师范学院学报》 2017年第8期40-43,共4页
摘 要: 针对不同生育政策下的人口结构,综合分析了蚌埠市的人口数据,建立了Leslie离散人口模型、灰色预测模型和Logistic人口预测模型,运用Matlab软件,得出了蚌埠市在不同生育政策下未来人口总数、年龄结构和性别结构的预测.对三种生育政策进行比较,最终得出二孩政策对当前人口结构优化效果最好. In this paper,based on the population data in Bengbu,Leslie discrete population model,grey pre-diction model and the Logistic population prediction model are established in order to study popu-lation structure under different fertility policies. Moreover,with the help of Matlab,the predictionof total population,age structure and sex structure of population under different fertility policies inthe future are obtained. Finally it is concluded that Two-child policy has best effect on the optimi-zation of our country population currently under the three different childbearing policy.