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Effects of Density, Fertilizer and Chemical Control on Yield of Japonica Variety 'Tongyoujing 1' and Technology Optimization

作  者: (周根友); (夏华); (陈启康);

机构地区: 江苏沿江地区农业科学研究所

出  处: 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 2017年第7期1222-1227,共6页

摘  要: 采用D-饱和最优回归设计试验,研究了通优粳1号在不同基本苗、施N量和多效唑化控条件下的生育期、群体茎蘖动态、叶面积、干物质积累、植株性状、穗粒结构和产量变化,探明其高产技术农艺措施。结果表明:密肥控三因素对产量影响程度依次为施N量>基本苗>多效唑施用量,增加基本苗和施N量有利于增加茎蘖和成穗密度,增加群体叶面积和干物质积累量。但基本苗和施N量过高,能降低成穗率和经济系数,延长生育期。适宜基本苗和施N量可协调茎蘖密度与成穗率之间的关系,保持灌浆期有较高的叶面积和干物质积累,提高产量。在基本苗55.2×10~4/hm^2、施N量339.2 kg/hm^2、多效唑用量97.9 g/hm^2时产量潜力最大,为12 606.0 kg/hm^2。产量>112 50 kg/hm^2的最佳农艺措施为:基本苗52.6~60.1×10~4/hm^2、施N量328.0~356.1 kg/hm^2、多效唑用量87.6~104.6 g/hm^2。 The effects of different basic seedlings, N application rates and paclobutrazol measures on the development and yield of Tongyoujing 1 population were studied through the D-saturated optimum regression design tests. The results showed thatthe effects of various factors on yield under the experimental conditions were in order of N application rate basic seedlings paclobutrazol dosage. The increases of basic seedlings and N application rate are beneficial to the increases of population quantity and tiller density, and could improve number of panicles per unit area and increase the population leaf area and accumulated amount of dry matter.However, too-high basic seedlings and N application rate would reduce reproductive tiller percentage and economic coefficient, and prolong growth duration. Proper basic seedlings could coordinate the correlation between tiller density and productive tiller percentage, ensure higher leaf area and dry matter accumulation at filling stage,and improve yield of Tongyoujing 1. According to the multivariate nonlinear regression analysis of yield with various factors, Tongyoujing 1 could reach its maximum yield potential of 12 606.0 kg/hm2 under the basic seedlings of 55.2×104/hm2, N application rate at 339.2 kg/hm2, and paclobutrazol dosage of 97.9 g/hm2. The comprehensive agricultural measures for a yield higher than 11 250 kg/hm2were: basic seedlings 52.6 ×10^4-60.1 ×10^4/hm2, N application rate 328.0-356.1 kg/hm2, and paclobutrazol dosage 87.6-104.6 g/hm2.

关 键 词: 通优粳 基本苗 多效唑 产量


作者 黎柳斯
作者 江军
作者 刘石兰
作者 李黎
作者 李富得


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚