作 者: (冯舒欣);
机构地区: 五邑大学外国语学院,广东江门529020
出 处: 《景德镇学院学报》 2017年第4期21-26,共6页
摘 要: 在英语成为全球通用语和攫取社会资本和经济机遇的重要工具的今天,白人优等主义(white supremacy)和语言主义(linguicism)在不同的历史文化背景的国家都对非英语母语教师产生了负面影响。Grant和Lee提出的"理想英语说话者"是一个糅合了种族歧视与语言歧视的虚拟概念,而与他们研究中出现的相类似的案例还出现在美国和委内瑞拉等地。一份投放给英语兴趣班学生家长的关于"理想英语教师"的问卷调查表明,种族—语言歧视也出现在中国,虽然与别国的歧视状况有差别,但仍引导着公众、抹杀着非英语母语、非白人英语教师的职业生存空间。最可怕的是,种族歧视是潜移默化的,语言歧视又是义正词严的,而两者都是在复制和强化着人为制造的不公。 As English has become a global language as well as a tool to obtain social and economic resources,non-native-English-speaking English teachers,especially those with non-white skin colors,are confronting with the oppression of an intersected discrimination of racism and linguicism.'Ideal English speaker'was firstly proposed by Grant and Lee to describe the discrimination involves both race and language issues.Similar cases were discussed in research done in other countries.A questionnaire was hence delivered to parents of students in an English extra-curricular course in China,to find out if similar racism-linguicism also exists in this nation.The findings points out that racism and linguicism to non-native English teachers also displays in China,killing their professional development.By reflecting on the idea of ideal English teachers,this paper urges audience to stop the reproduction of the idea that non-native English teachers have less to offer.