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The Evolution of the China Housing Security Policies Analysis

作  者: (尼建);

机构地区: 华中科技大学公共管理学院,湖北武汉430074

出  处: 《中国房地产》 2017年第6期75-80,共6页

摘  要: 研究目的,概括总结改革开放以来我国住房保障政策及演进历程。研究方法:内容分析法和概括总结法。研究结果,从政策出台的时间上看,政策文本的发展经历了从萌芽、过渡到完善的阶段;从政策发布的部门上看,政策文本主要由党中央、国务院及相关部门发布;从政策文本的形式上看,政策文本多为行政法规和通知意见等。研究结论,我国住房保障政策体系目前处于较为完善的阶段,出台的政策基本上解决了绝大多数低收入群众的住房问题。但是仍需加强对住房保障政策的探索和改革,规范我国住房保障体系,完善住房保障体系的运行机制,更好地为我国中低收入群体提供良好的住房保障和社会福利。 The purpose of this study is to summarize the housing security policy and its evolutionin our country since the reform and opening up policy carried out in1978.The methods used in thisstudy include the content analysis method,summarization and induction.The results show that:Fromthe perspective of the policy adoption time,the development of policy text has experienced threedevelopmental stages,namely the germination,the transition and finally being sound and perfect.Looking upon the policies released department,policy texts mainly released by the CPC centralcommittee and the state council and other relevant departments.From the view of policy text form,policy texts are mainly administrative regulations,notification and suggestions.This study foundthat housing security policy system has been basically perfected in our country,the policies solvedmajority of low-income people housing problem.But it is still necessary to strengthen the explorationand reform of housing security policy,standardize Chinese housing security system,improve themechanism of housing security system,which make the houses affordable for low-income groups in ourcountry and achieve better social welfare situation

关 键 词: 住房保障 政策文本 内容分析法 政策演进


作者 郭祖军
作者 邱辉祥
作者 谢俊平
作者 段斌斌
作者 苏启敏


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学商学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚