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Diagnosis and Treatment Strategies of Multiple Primary Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review

作  者: (任凡); (陈军);

机构地区: 天津医科大学总医院肺部肿瘤外科,天津300052

出  处: 《药品评价》 2017年第16期31-38,41,共9页

摘  要: 随着早期检测技术的普及以及肿瘤治疗的发展,近些年来多原发肺癌的发生频率在逐年上升。多原发肺癌与肺内转移癌的鉴别对于疾病的预后以及治疗方案的选择有着重要的意义,但是很多时候单纯依靠临床病理诊断标准是很难进行鉴别的。分子及基因学检测方法在多原发肺癌及肺内转移癌的鉴别诊断中提供了更为可靠与清晰的诊断依据。在多原发肺癌的治疗中,外科手术治疗是切实可行的,但是对于肺内转移癌手术治疗却没有明显的获益,因此手术方式及时间的选择仍有争议。多原发肺癌的预后与第二原发灶的发现时间、位置及分期有密切关系。治疗后必须要进行定期复查随访。 The incidence of multiple primary lung cancer has been increasing in the recent years because of the development of early detection techniques and advances in cancer therapy.The distinction between multiple primary lung cancer and intrapulmonary metastases is based on established clinicopathological criteria,however it is often difficult,although of great importance for the management and prognosis of these patients.Molecular and genetic testing methods provide a more reliable and clear diagnostic basis.Surgical treatment is feasible in the treatment of multiple primary lung cancer,but there is no significant benefit in the treatment of intrapulmonary metastases.The methods and time of surgery are under discussion.The prognosis of patients with second primary lung cancers largely depends on the time of detection and the stage and location of the second cancer.Regular follow-up visits must be conducted after treatment.

关 键 词: 多原发肺癌 诊断 治疗 预后


作者 孙颖心


机构 中山职业技术学院


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