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Tort Liability Law: Monographic Study on the Legislation of Tort Liability

作  者: (张玉东);

机构地区: 烟台大学法学院,山东烟台264005

出  处: 《河南社会科学》 2017年第8期36-43,共8页

摘  要: 一、问题的提出所谓侵权法上的损害赔偿酌减规则,是指在例外情况下,如令侵权责任人承担全部赔偿责任,将对其构成极为沉重的负担时,法院可根据双方当事人的经济状况及其他相关事由,减轻责任人一方的损害赔偿责任①。损害赔偿酌减规则是对侵权人在正常情况下所应承担的损害赔偿责任的减轻。因此,在侵权法以责任构成论及责任承担论(或损害赔偿论)为基本构建框架的前提下,损害赔偿酌减规则属损害赔偿论范畴。在损害赔偿论中,现代侵权法以完全赔偿为基本原则。在此意义上,损害赔偿酌减规则是对完全赔偿原则的偏离。 With a focus on the infringement upon property, On the Tort Liability for Infringement upon Property differentiates between infringement upon property and property rights. The essay underscores that thereare three forms of infringement upon property—embezzlement, damage and destruction and three correspondingforms of tort liability—restitution of property, restoration and compensation for loss. Based on a contrast analysisof General Principles of Civil Law, Property Law, Tort Liability Law and Contract Law, the essay seeks to outlinethe tort liability and its application.On the Logical Approach to Determine the Scope of Compensation for Damage to Property Tort reveals theinstitutional logic of property damage compensation. The essay underscores that the key to differentiate theprinciple of total compensation and the principle of limited compensation lies in the fact that whether the factorsof determining property damage compensation are mono-basic or poly-basic. A total property damagecompensation(system) chain is composed of damage theory and damage compensation theory, which is dividedinto three stages: identification of damage, limitation of damage and a ruling on damage. The laws of the worldtend to be the same in the identification stage, which is considered to be the legal concept. For the limitation ofdamage, there are two main types of damage: self-limiting type and interest restriction.In view of the centralposition and existing practice of the rights and interests in civil legal relationship, China's law should limit thescope of damage to the extent of the protection of rights and interests. In the discretion phase of the damagescompensation, the scope of the compensation should be determined in terms of causality, profit and loss, andnegligence.On the Discretionary Rreduction of Tort Law underscores from the perspective of construction theory thatthe legislation should clearly stipulate the law on damages. It should be acknowledged from amulti-angleperspective of proportion principle, the principle

关 键 词: 损害赔偿责任 侵权法 完全赔偿原则 例外情况 经济状况 责任承担 责任人 当事人


作者 阳庚德
作者 赵克祥
作者 官国通
作者 陈楚钟
作者 欧超荣


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚