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Analysis and Countermeasures of the Corrosion Prevention of Oil Storage Tank

作  者: (尉世军); (白玉新);

机构地区: 陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司榆林炼油厂,陕西榆林719000

出  处: 《全面腐蚀控制》 2017年第8期39-40,86,共3页

摘  要: 近年来,各类石油储罐因腐蚀穿孔泄漏引燃、着火或爆炸事故屡见不鲜。通过对各大型石油化工企业储油罐调研分析,多在储油罐底部易出现防腐涂层脱落,导致罐底发生严重腐蚀和穿孔现象。通过分析储油罐发生腐蚀的原因和机理,提出储油罐内腐蚀应根据当地的环境和所储油品的物理性质优化选择防腐蚀方案,同时,针对储油罐设计、施工和管理提出一些合理化建议。 In recent years,various types of oil storage tanks have been known to burn,fire or explodebecause of corrosion.By analyzing on the investigation of various large-scale petrochemical enterprisestorage tanks,oil tanks in more easily appear at the bottom of the anti-corrosion coating fall off,leadto serious corrosion of tank bottom and perforation phenomenon.Through the analysis of the causesand mechanism of corrosion to occur in the oil tank,oil tank is put forward in the corrosion should beaccording to the local environment and the physical properties of reservoir oil is to optimize anticorrosionscheme choice,at the same time,in view of the oil tank design,construction and management put forwardsome reasonable Suggestions.

关 键 词: 储油罐 腐蚀机理 防腐涂料 维护保养


作者 马勇江


机构 广东科技学院
机构 广州城市职业学院
机构 华南农业大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚