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Rotor Dynamics Research of a 165kW Helium Blower with AMBs

作  者: (杜国伟); (王有志); (杨国军); (时振刚); (赵雷);

机构地区: 清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院,先进核能技术协同创新中心,先进反应堆工程与安全教育部重点实验室,北京100084

出  处: 《风机技术》 2017年第4期39-44,共6页

摘  要: 10MW高温气冷堆是利用氦气循环载出核热能推动发电机组发电的新型反应堆,堆内主氦风机是高温气冷堆一回路系统的关键设备之一。主氦风机原有的支承形式为油润滑机械支承方案,为了保证轴承的长期安全运行,油润滑的机械滚珠轴承系统非常复杂,长时间运行会对氦气纯度形成威胁。电磁悬浮轴承有无需润滑、无摩擦、高转速等优点,可以用来替代机械支承以解决主氦风机支承的关键问题。但是与机械滚珠轴承相比,电磁悬浮轴承的体积较大,承载力小,在保证风机接口不变的前提下,其能否满足主氦风机的运转要求,尚需要进行验证。文章通过采用ABAQUS和SAMCEF软件建模,充分利用了转子模态频率随轴承刚度的变化规律,研究了165k W鼓风机转子在机械滚珠轴承和电磁轴承支承环境下的运转模态,最终通过电磁轴承运行实验,验证了数值计算的准确性,并证明了在驱动电机、叶轮、冷却风扇等其它结构暂不更换的前提下,使用电磁轴承替代机械滚珠轴承可以满足主氦风机的运转要求。 The10MW high temperature gas cooled reactor is a new type of reactor that uses helium to carry nuclear energyout from the power generation.The main helium blower in the reactor is one of the key components in the primary system loopof the high temperature gas cooled reactor.At present,the main helium blower is supported by an oil lubricated bearing inorder to ensure a long-term safe operation of the bearing.The oil lubrication system for mechanical bearings,however,iscomplicated and a long time operation will pose a threat to the purity of the helium.AMB has the advantages of lubrication,frictionless free,high speed and so on.The key problem of electromagnetic bearings is larger in size and less in bearingcapacity such that further studies are required to investigate,whether electromagnetic bearings are able to meet the mechanical requirements for the main helium blower.It is necessary to verify whether it can satisfy the operation requirementsof the main helium blower under the blower interface remains unchanged.By using ABAQUS and SAMCEF software modeling,make full use of the rotor modal frequency changes with the bearing stiffness,operation mode of165kW rotor blower inmechanical ball bearing and AMB environment.By experiment the electromagnetic bearing and the numerical calculationaccuracy is verified,meanwhile the driven motor,impeller,cooling fan and other components are not changed.Electromagneticbearings meet the operating requirements to replace mechanical bearings for the main heliumblower.

关 键 词: 氦气鼓风机 电磁轴承 高温气冷反应堆 转子动力学




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