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On Immortal Biographies before Tang Dynasty and the Theory of Shijie——Taking Liexian Zhuan,Shenxian Zhuan and Dongxian Zhuan as Examples

作  者: (徐胜男);

机构地区: 南京师范大学文学院,江苏南京210097

出  处: 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2017年第5期36-40,共5页

摘  要: 尸解是道教假死托形的一种成仙方术,其早期内涵较宽泛,包括灵魂飞升、肉体成仙、死后复生等不同形式,至南北朝时其理论内涵逐渐定型,专指假死托形、解化成仙之术。唐前仙传小说对尸解理论进行了多方面的表现,《列仙传》视尸解为神仙的神异法术,其尸解形式多样,故事情节简单,是对汉代尸解概念的演绎;《神仙传》中尸解理论内涵逐渐明确,死后托形解化成为魏晋时期尸解的主要内容,其掩饰死亡的目的也得到明确;《洞仙传》全面反映了六朝上清派尸解理论,如剑解、杖解等尸解形式的发展,尸解复生理论的完善,对儒家思想的援引,尸解仙等级的划分等。此外,《洞仙传》尸解故事还体现了道教在其发展过程中与政权统治之间的冲突及保持政治平衡关系的努力。 Shijie is a kind of method of becoming immortals through feigning death in Taoism,whose early connotation is very broad,including soul's flying up to heaven,human body becoming an immortal,resurrection after death and other forms. Its theoretical connotation gradually becomes fixed in the Northern and Southern Dynasties,indicating the method of feigning death and becoming an immortal. The immortal biographies before Tang Dynasty interpreted the theory of Shijie in many ways. Liexian Zhuan regards it as the magic arts of the immortals,a variety of forms,deducing the concept of Shijie of Han dynasty; In Shenxian Zhuan,the theoretical connotation of Shijie gradually becomes explicit and being immortals after death is the main part of Shijie in Wei-Jin period. Its purpose of covering-up death is also clear; Dongxian Zhuan fully reflects the theory of Shijie of Shangqing School in Six Dynasties,like,the development of forms of Shijie,the perfection of the theory of Shijie and resurrection,the citing of Confucianism,the division of immortals from Shijie and so on. In addition,its stories of Shijie also show the conflict between Daoism and regime rule and efforts to maintain a political balance during Daoism's development.

关 键 词: 仙传小说 尸解 列仙传 神仙传 洞仙传


作者 胡守为
作者 廖梦华
作者 罗朝晖
作者 谷明娟
作者 郑园珺


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚