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From "Generalized class" to "De class" :The Rise and Fall of Class Discourse in China

作  者: (王奇生);

机构地区: 北京大学历史系,北京100871

出  处: 《苏区研究》 2017年第4期31-40,共10页

摘  要: 五卅之后,各派政治势力与知识界对阶级概念及其在中国的适用性有过不同的看法和争论。在此过程中,中共的阶级话语宣传渐居强势。中共在将马克思主义原理本土化、具体化、实用化的同时,也存在阶级概念被极度泛化的问题。文革结束后,学术界对阶级概念重新反思和检讨。近20年来,"阶级"与"阶级斗争"话语逐渐淡出中国政学两界的视野,呈现出"去阶级化"的趋势。如何从中国的阶级实情出发,对近现代乃至当代的阶级进行深入的实证的学理探讨,是一个值得重视的学术问题。如相对非阶级的社会分化(如职业、种族、民族等),阶级分化的程度如何;相对非阶级的不平等,阶级导致的不平等有多显著;相对非阶级认同(如性别、地域、宗教等),阶级认同有多强烈;只有恰如其分地把握历史与现实中的阶级实态,才不至于过分夸大或无视社会阶级的存在。 After the May 30th movement, different political forces and intellectuals had different views and arguments about class concept and its applicability in China. During this process, the CPC's propaganda of class discourse became stronger. While the CPC carried out the localization, embodiment and utility of the Marx doctrine in china, it also made the concept of class greatly gener- alized. After the Cultural Revolution, the academic circles reconsidered and reviewed the concept of class. In the past 20 years, the " class" and " class struggle" discourse gradually fade out of the China~ political and academic circles, showing the trend of "De class " How to start from the class reality of China, to carry on the thorough and empirical theoretical discussion of the modern and e- ven contemporary class, is an academic problem which should be paid more attention to. Comparing to the social differentiation of non - class (such as occupation, race, ethnicity, etc. ) , what is the degree of class differentiation? Comparing to the non - class inequalities, how significant is the ine- quality resulting from class? Comparing to non- class identities (such as gender, geography, reli- gion, etc. ) , how strong is class identity? In view of these problems, only by properly grasping the actual state of class in history and reality can we not exaggerate or ignore the existence of social class.

关 键 词: 阶级 阶级斗争 资产阶级 瞿秋白 毛泽东


作者 徐伟新
作者 吴奇程
作者 侯红莲
作者 赵自勇
作者 姜进


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚