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National Anti-Japanese War and the Revolutionary Regime——The Road to the Rise of the Chinese Communist Party's Resistance

作  者: (汪朝光);

机构地区: 中国社会科学院世界历史研究所,北京100006

出  处: 《苏区研究》 2017年第4期14-30,共17页

摘  要: 1937年全国抗战爆发之际,中国面临的内外矛盾集中表现为外敌入侵与民族抗战。但是,抗战的过程同样是构建现代中国的过程。中国共产党通过对战争与革命的逻辑关系的深刻理解,将反抗侵略的民族独立战争与改变中国的革命解放运动有机地联为一体,通过在其治下的各根据地实行的一系列建政施政举措,既考虑到现实中战争时期的特殊性,着眼于抗战的胜利,又放眼战后未来更长远的革命目标,追求的是建立新民主主义共和国的理想,形式与内容统一,目的和手段一致,在实践中取得了极大的成功,从而成功地通过抗战而崛起,为最终实现新民主主义革命的建国理想奠定了坚实的基础。 In 1937, when the national anti -Japanese war broke out, China's internal and external contradictions were focused on the foreign invasion and national anti -Japanese War. However, the process of anti - Japanese war was also the process of building modern China. Through deep under- standing of the logic relation between war and revolution, the Chinese Communist Party organically combined the national war of resistance against aggression and the revolutionary liberation movement of China into one organic whole. During the implementation of a series of government policy initia- tives in base areas, the CCP took into account the particularity of the war in the reality, focusing on the victory of the anti - Japanese war; and looked towards the future long - term revolutionary goals after the war as well. The CCP sought to build a new Democratic Republic. They unified form with content, made purpose and means consistent, and have achieved great success in practice. Thus the CCP successfully rose through the anti -Japanese alizing the ideal of the new democratic revolution war, and laid a solid foundation for ultimately re- to establish a state.

关 键 词: 抗日战争 中国共产党 革命建政


作者 郑德平
作者 吴克辉
作者 许高勇
作者 闫亚平
作者 李甫媛


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东省委党校


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚