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On the European Sources and Various Editions of Dace(Grand Measure),the First Trigonometric Treatise in China

作  者: (董杰); (陈建平);

机构地区: 内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院,呼和浩特010022

出  处: 《中国科技史杂志》 2017年第2期173-185,共13页

摘  要: 明末传教士邓玉函以毕的斯克斯1612年版《三角法》为底本,并采用斯蒂文著作《数学记录》中部分内容,编译出中国第一部三角学著作《大测》,将欧洲当时最新、最重要的三角学成果介绍到中国,对中国三角学影响极大。其造表所用的六宗三要二简法,成为17—18世纪中国三角函数造表法的模式。对《大测》诸版本进行梳理可知,《崇祯历书》本成书最早,《西洋新法历书》本影响最大,《新法算书》文津阁本讹误最少。浙江图书馆藏文澜阁《四库全书》中的《大测》实为丁丙补抄而成。除《新法历书》本和丁氏补抄本外,其他历次重修都对《大测》内容有所订正,体现出编纂人员工作认真,同时也具备一定的数学素养。文章通过《大测》底本与版本的研究,展现出该书更真实的动态演变过程,藉此窥得《崇祯历书》在清代的沿革。研究也将对《大测》乃至《崇祯历书》的校勘工作有所助益。 Chongzhenlishu( Astronomical Compendium during the Chongzhen Reign) as the largest translation/compilation project of a scientific compendium in Chinese history and the main efforts of the Calendar Reform put forth by the Ming China( 1368—1644) shortly before its fall has attracted the attentions of many historians. Dace( Grand Measure),the first trigonometric treatise in China,was part of this project. This paper clarifies the European sources of Dace and examines its various editions in the 17—19thcentury,documenting the editions' differences. Based on the earlier identification in the literature,we also compare Dace with various European trigonometric treatises in the early 17 th century. We conclude that Johann Terrenz composed/compiled Dace by translating parts of Bartholomaeus Pitiscus' s 1612 edition of Trigonometriae and Simon Stevin's 1608 Latin edition of Hypomnemata mathematica or its French translation,Mémoires mathématiqves. The technical content was translated and presented in the manner similar to that employed by Chinese scholars so as to reach wider readership and acceptance. It is evident that Johann Terrenz introduced into China many of the most advanced and important trigonometric results in the early 17 th century,cherry-picking and modifying the content to suit his purpose. Its approach to construct trigonometric tables became paradigmatic,followed by most trigonometric treatises in the 17 th,18th,and 19 thcentury. The findings of this paper also establish that the edition of Dace in Xiyangxinfalishu( Astronomical Compendium according to the New Methods from the Western Ocean) offers the best quality to serve as the foundation for further collation of Dace,being the second earliest and among the ones with fewest mistakes. To this paper demonstrates a concrete model for future investigations of Chongzhenlishu.

关 键 词: 大测底本 三角学 崇祯历书


作者 马茂军
作者 朱承平
作者 谷峰
作者 景海燕


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 巢湖学院
机构 暨南大学图书馆
机构 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚