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The Geological Survey of Huainan Coal Fieldand the Propose of“Grand Huainan Basin”

作  者: (叶雪洁); (石云里);

机构地区: 中国科学技术大学科学技术史,合肥230026

出  处: 《中国科技史杂志》 2017年第2期159-172,共14页

摘  要: 淮南煤田是安徽省煤炭资源开发最早的煤田。本文以"大淮南盆地"概念为核心,以淮南煤田的地质调查过程为轴线,探讨淮南煤田地质调查由点及线再到面的过程,围绕舜耕山岩层倒置现象的发现、舜耕山及上窑矿区向斜结构的揭示、"大淮南煤田"概念的提出,到"大淮南盆地"概念的最终确立这四个方面,厘清了淮南煤田地质构造认识的全过程,强调了煤田地质调查的积累性和重要性。 Huainan coal field is the earliest coal resources under exploration in Anhui province. Based on the concept of "Grand Huainan Basin"as the core,making geological investigation for Huainan coal field as the axis,further on the basis of geology survey process for Huainan coal field from dot to line and then to face,the study could be divided into four aspects: the discovery of the rock inversion phenomenon in Shungeng Mountain,the revilement for the syncline structure in mining area between Shungeng Mountain and Shangyao Mountain,the generation of the concept of"Grand Huainan Coal Field"and lastly the "Grand Huainan Basin"was eventually established.From the above study,we can not only clarify the whole process for the geological structure understanding about the Huainan coal field,but also can realize the importance and the accumulation for the coal field geology survey.

关 键 词: 淮南煤田 地质调查 大淮南盆地


作者 雷勇


机构 华南理工大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚