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Relation between Architecture and Nature in Three Works of RCR Architects

作  者: (董韬);

机构地区: 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

出  处: 《建筑师》 2017年第4期32-39,共8页

摘  要: 本文由"建筑空间从自然中分离出来,却又被自然包裹。建筑与自然这对矛盾体,如何相互对立却又共生于场地之中"展开思索。RCR建筑事务所选择风景优美的小镇奥洛特作为事务所和实践的根据地,用现代的建筑语言和材料在自然中构建出人工与自然并存、互动的场景,他们用自己的方式,以建筑实践来回答了这个问题。 This thesis starts the contemplation which architectural space is detached from nature, while still being surrounded by it. Architecture and nature, how does this paradox that is opposed to each other manage to still coexist with each other? RCR Aranda Pigem Vilalta Arquitectes chose the beautiful town Olot as the location of their office and also the base of their practice. They use modern architectural language and materials to construct different scenarios in nature, which feature with the coexistence and interaction between the artificial and the natural. Generally, they manage to answer this question through architectural practice in their own particular way,

关 键 词: 建筑事务所 建筑与自然的关系 场地




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