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Productive test on sodium hypochlorite alternatives of liquid chlorine disinfection

作  者: (侯宝芹); (张秋勉); (宋丽利); (倪杭娟);

机构地区: 杭州萧山供水有限公司,浙江杭州311203

出  处: 《供水技术》 2017年第4期33-36,共4页

摘  要: 对使用同一水源的两种相同净水工艺分别采用液氯和次氯酸钠消毒,对比了不同消毒方式下的运行效果以及对出厂水水质和净水工艺指标的影响。对耗氧量、硝酸盐氮、三卤甲烷等出厂水指标的比较结果表明:采用次氯酸钠消毒对水中还原性物质的氧化作用略低,同时能够减少水中消毒副产物的产生;不同浓度次氯酸钠的衰减变化趋势表明,选用有效氯5%的次氯酸钠溶液可有效减少衰减速率。采用次氯酸钠替代液氯消毒,投入成本低,操作维护简单,能有效降低水厂生产安全隐患,同时保证出厂水指标符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749—2006)的要求。 Liquid chlorine and sodium hypochlorite were purification processes that were exactly the same water source applied respectively in two water The operation effect of different disinfection methods, as well as the influence on the water quality of the treated water and the process index were compared. The comparison results of oxygen consumption, nitrate nitrogen, trihalomethane (THM) and other water indicators showed that, sodium hypochlorite had a slightly low oxidation effect on reducing substances and could reduce water disinfection by-products. Attenuation trend of different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite showed that, it could effectively reduce the decay rate with an effective chlorine concentration of 5%. Instead of liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite could achieve a low cost, easy operation and maintenance, reduce potential risk of production safety, and ensure the treated water meeting Standards for Drinking Water Quality( GB 5749 - 2006).

关 键 词: 次氯酸钠 液氯 消毒效果 运行维护


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作者 戴振国


机构 中山大学
机构 广州市教育局


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作者 康秋实
作者 康超
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作者 廖刚