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Comparison of the Control Efficacy of Several Fungicides Against Rice Leaf Blast and Rice Panicle Blast

作  者: (杨本香); (蒋晴); (耿辉辉); (秦建华); (徐曙);

机构地区: 江苏省农垦农业发展股份有限公司新洋分公司,江苏射阳224314

出  处: 《大麦与谷类科学》 2017年第4期45-49,共5页

摘  要: 穗颈瘟是水稻的主要病害之一,大发生时可引起水稻的大幅减产。近年来水稻灌浆期间天气十分利于其发病,加上长期使用三环唑,虽用药频繁,但防治效果却不理想,因此有必要筛选出更高效的杀菌剂。本文收集了几种新药剂及新结构化合物,以期可以筛选出比现在常用杀菌剂三环唑有更好效果的农药新品种。结果表明:对叶瘟防效最好的为27%三环己唑醇SC,达74.76%;其次为常规对照药剂75%三环唑WP(64.53%)和35%氟唑嘧菌酯SC(64.41%),病指防效超过60%的还有32.5%苯甲·嘧菌酯SC(62.51%)和40%富士一号EC(61.95%);最差的是20%稻瘟酰胺SC,仅为28.5%。对穗颈瘟防效最好的是25%烯肟菌胺三环唑SC,防效达100%;其次为25%吡唑醚菌酯SC(99.25%)和75%三环唑WP+43%戊唑醇WP(98.11%);防效在90%以上的还有10%嘧菌酯SC(95.85%)、9%吡唑醚菌酯SC(94.72%)、20%稻瘟酰胺SC(93.96%)、32.5%苯甲·嘧菌酯SC(92.45%)、75%肟菌酯戊唑醇WG(92.08%)、27%三环己唑醇SC(91.7%)和40%富士一号EC(90.57%);防效最差的是常规对照药剂75%三环唑WP,为72.08%。 Rice leaf blast and rice panicle blast are among major diseases of rice, which can substantially reduce rice yield during their pandemics. In recent years, the weather conditions at the stage of the grain filling in rice have been very favorable for their occurrence,while the long-term and frequent use of tricyclazole has proved to be not very effective in controlling these diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to screen more effective fungicides. The authors of this paper collected several new pesticides and new structure compounds for selecting new pesticides that are as effective as, or more effective than, tricyclazole in controlling rice leaf blast and rice panicle blast. In terms of controlling rice leaf blast, 27% tricyclazole+hexaconazole achieved the highest control efficacy of 74.76%, and the conventional fungicides 75% tricyclazole and 35% epociconazoke plus azoxystrobin attained relatively high levels of efficacy(64.53%and 64.41%, respectively); besides, 32.5% albendazolemore plus azoxystrobin and 40% isoprothiolane also showed the efficacy 60%,whereas 20% fenoxanil had the lowest control efficacy(28.5%). With regard to controlling rice panicle blast, 25% SYP1620 plus tricyclazole attained the greatest control efficacy of 100%, followed by 25% pyraclostrobin(99.25%) and 43% tebuconazole plus 75%tricyclazole(98.11%). Several other pesticides also attained the efficacy 90% against rice panicle blast, comprising 10% azoxystrobin(95.85%), 9% pyraclostrobin(94.72%), 20% fenoxanil(93.96%), 32.5% albendazolemore plus azoxystrobin(92.45%), 75%trifloxystrobin plus tebuconazole(92.08%), 27% tricyclazole+hexaconazole(91.7%), and 40% isoprothiolane(90.57%), while 75%tricyclazole showed the lowest control efficacy(72.08%).

关 键 词: 杀菌剂 叶瘟 穗颈瘟 防效


作者 刘振德


机构 华南师范大学


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