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Research on Recreational Motivation and Satisfaction of Citizen's Greenway in Sanming City

作  者: (曾真); (尤达); (郭艳); (李霄鹤); (兰思仁);

机构地区: 福建农林大学园林学院,福建福州353002

出  处: 《三明学院学报》 2017年第4期88-94,共7页

摘  要: 以三明绿道为例进行实地调研,依据抽样问卷调查法进行数据收集,利用因子分析法得出城市居民对绿道的游憩动机主要包括放松身心、交流互动与健身、亲近自然三种类型,三明城市居民对绿道满意度由高到低依次是总体布局、植物配置、休憩布置、标识设施、配套设施。依据研究结论提出重视弱势群体的游憩特点,提高其对绿道游憩的参与性;完善配套设施建设,提高市民绿道游憩的舒适性;优化植物配置效果,提高植物的季相变化率等策略,以契合城市居民的绿道游憩需求。 Taking the Sanming greenway as an example, the data were analyzed according to the sample survey method and the factor analysis was used to conclude that greenway recreational motivations of Sanming urban residents mainly includes relaxation, interaction and fitness and closing to nature. Satisfaction of citizen 's greenway in Sanming city from high to low are the overall layout, plant configuration, open space layout, marking facilities and supporting facilities. According to the conclusion of the study, it should be paid more attention to the recreational characteristics of the vulnerable groups, improve their participation in the recreation of the greenways, improve the construction of supporting facilities and the comfort of the public recreation of the greenways, optimize the plant configuration effect and improve the seasonal change rate of plants in order to meet the urban residents of the greenway recreation needs.

关 键 词: 城市绿道 游憩动机 满意度 优化策略


作者 闫东升
作者 谢晖
作者 吕毓虎
作者 吴锦江
作者 肖光明


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚