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Seasonal structure characteristics of day and night cloud in the East China Sea Zone

作  者: (安洁);

机构地区: 空军装备研究院航空气象防化研究所,北京100085

出  处: 《海洋预报》 2017年第4期76-83,共8页

摘  要: 利用2007—2010年CloudSat二级产品中的2B-GEOPROF和2B-GROPROF-Lidar数据,对东海海区各季节、昼夜的云量、云高分布特征做了统计分析。结果表明:云量的季节性和地域性差异较大,总云量以春、夏两季居多,秋、冬季节较少,而低云量则以冬季最多,夏季最少。台湾岛及其以东至123°E海域终年多云,年平均总云量在65%以上,年平均低云量在45%以上。昼夜变化较为明显,大部分区域夜间18时年平均云量比白天06时略偏多,海上年平均总云量06时约为50%~60%,18时增加到55%~70%;平均最低云底高和平均最高云顶高的水平分布趋势相近:夏季云层最高,春秋季次之,冬季云层最低。从年平均云高分布来看:06时,台湾岛及其东北海域是云层的低值区,沿琉球群岛区域是相对的高值区,而18时沿海地区云层升高,海上云层明显压低,琉球群岛北部海域骤变成低值区。 That the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of cloud cover and cloud height in the East China Sea Zone in each season or day and night is analyzed using the 2B-GEOPROF and 2B-GROPROF-Lidar data of CloudSat from 2007 to 2010. The results show that the cloud cover and cloud height has evident seasonal and regional differences, with a more quantity of total cloud cover in spring and summer and a less in autumn and winter. While, there is a more low-level cloud cover in winter and a less in summer.. It is cloudy all the year round from Taiwan island and east of Taiwan island to 123° E, the yearly average total cloud cover is more than 65%, and the yearly average low-level cloud cover is more than 45%. The cloud cover has obvious differences between day and night. The yearly average total cloud cover is more at 18 UTC than at 6 UTC in most area. Above the sea, the yearly average total cloud cover is above 50%-60% at 6 UTC, and 55%-70% at 18 UTC. Average minimum cloud base height and average maximum cloud top height are highest in summer and lowest in winter. At 6 UTC, the area with low values of cloud height is in the region from Taiwan Island to its north-east sea area, and the area with high values is in the region of the Ryukyu Islands. But at 18 UTC, the cloud rise in coastal area, and bring down on the sea, and the new area with low values of cloud height is at the north of the Ryukyu Islands.

关 键 词: 东海海区 资料 云量 云高



机构 嘉应学院


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