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A Review of Soil Conservation Practices on Uplands

作  者: (欧阳钺人); (吴伯志);

机构地区: 云南农业大学农学与生物技术学院,云南昆明650201

出  处: 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第4期718-726,共9页

摘  要: 水土流失是世界各国普遍存在的环境问题之一,严重威胁着农业的可持续发展。坡耕地是造成水土流失的主要策源地。然而,坡耕地是山区农业中重要的土地资源。如何有效地控制坡耕地水土流失的同时提高坡耕地的土地生产力,实现坡耕地农业可持续利用已成为社会各界关注的焦点。水土保持耕作措施是控制坡耕地水土流失的重要措施之一。该措施一是通过改变微地形增加降雨的入渗时间,削减径流流速及降低其挟沙能力,如等高耕作和垄作;二是增加覆盖度来减少雨滴的削弱作用,如间作和秸秆覆盖;三是改善土壤物理性质,增加土壤有机质,如免耕和深松耕。显然,水土保持耕作措施具有良好的蓄水保土效应,许多研究开始关注于这些措施控制水土流失的作用机制,尽管还不完全清楚。因此,本文综述了这些水土保持耕作措施控制水土流失的机制,探讨了这些措施在农业生产实践中存在的问题,对该措施在农业发展生产中应用提出了几点意见。 Soil erosion is one of the most serious environmental problems, and presents a key chal- lenge to agricultural sustainable development. The unreasonable sloping farmland is an important rea- son result in soil erosion. However, the sloping farmland is an important land resource. How to effec- tively control the soil erosion of sloping farmland and improve the land productivity of sloping land, are important. Soil and water conservation practice is one of the important measures to control soil erosion and increase land productivity in sloping farmland. There are three aspects to reduce soil erosion for soil and water conservation practice in sloping farmland. Firstly, the measure increases the infiltration time of rainfall and reduce runoff velocity by changing the surface topography, such as contour tillage and ridging. Secondly, the measure weakens the splash of raindrops by increasing coverage, such as intercropping and straw mulching. Thirdly, the measure increases soil organic matter by improving soil physical properties, such as no tillage and sub-soiling. Soil and water conservation practice plays a key role to reduce soil erosion and improve soil water content in sloping farmland. Most studies are mainly concentrated on the erosion mechanism of soil conservation practices although these mechanisms are notcompletely. Thus, the study summarized the reducing erosion mechanism of soil practices and explored the currently problems of these practices in agriculture to ure research in the future. and water conservation prospect of the meas-

关 键 词: 坡耕地 水土流失 水土保持耕作措施 农业生产


作者 何亚琼
作者 谌种华
作者 周嘉丽
作者 陈小林
作者 税尚楠


机构 华南农业大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学经济贸易学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚