机构地区: 广东东篱环境股份有限公司,广东广州510335
出 处: 《广东园林》 2017年第4期64-67,共4页
摘 要: 装饰工艺应用在绿墙设计中可以强化视觉效果、突出设计理念,实现特定的功能。绿墙的设计手法大致可分为自然式、规整式和混合式3类,装饰工艺可融合到此3种设计手法当中,起到视觉上的强化、宣传、指引等特定功能。通过对淮安半岛39#别墅绿墙的案例分析,进一步说明装饰工艺在绿墙设计中的应用效果和设计理念,但装饰材料和工艺的选择视建筑风格或周围的环境而定,在实际应用中需要合理地进行选择和运用。 Applications of decorative techniques in green wall design can enhance visual effects, highlight design concepts and achieve a specific function. Green wall design can be divided into three types: natural, regular and mixed, decorative techniques can be integrated into these three design types and play specific functions such as visual enhancement, pubficity and guidance. Based on a case anysis of villa # 39 in Huai'an Peninsula, this paper further explains the application effect and outstanding design idea of decoration techniques in green wall design. As the choice of decorative materials and processes depending on architectural style or surrounding environment, need to be chosen and used decorative materials rationally in practical applications.