机构地区: 长沙航空职业技术学院,湖南长沙410124
出 处: 《湖南工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期71-76,共6页
摘 要: 当前,埃及经历了宪政危机,在宪法变迁与政权更迭中,各派系最缺乏的便是妥协气度和宽容精神,这是造成埃及局势持续动荡、政权多次更迭、宪法屡遭废止的主要原因。同时,埃及执政者也未能正确认知宪法在法治国家建设中的根本性作用。因此,传统政治文明中的宽容、民主与妥协等精神,急需埃及这样深陷宪政危机泥潭的国家来学习和借鉴。 Recently, Egypt has suffered the constitutional crisis. During constitutional and regime changes, all sects lack the spirit of tolerance and compromise. These are the reasons for the political unrest, regime change and constitution abolishment in Egypt since 2011. Meanwhile, the leaders of Egypt do not realize the fundamental role of constitution in building up the legal state. Reflections on the lessons from Egypt constitutional crisis show that the spirit of tolerance and compromise are greatly needed to the trapped countries in constitutional crisis like Egypt.