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Promoting a Progressive Method of Criterion for Judging the Quantity of Crime:Illustrated by the Reconstruction of the Principle of Punishment for Imaginative Joinder of Offenses

作  者: (杨彩霞); (付一可);

机构地区: 华中师范大学法学院,湖北武汉430079

出  处: 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期155-167,共13页

摘  要: 罪数判断标准是罪数理论的核心内容,也是展开罪数论其它内容的前提。长期以来,学界对于罪数判断标准的争议非常激烈,存在诸多学说,但这些学说要么内容含糊不清缺乏可操作性,要么考虑的因素过于单一。因此,主张将罪数判断分为犯罪成立与犯罪处罚两大阶段,并以一种递进式的方法依次进行触犯罪名数判断、法益侵害性判断、处罚必要性判断,逐步揭开犯罪的罪数本质并确定处断原则。在此基础上,对于罪数论的重要组成部分——想象竞合犯的处断原则与罪数本质,应当修正以往一概从一重罪处断的简单方式,依据前述递进式的判断方法重新分析其罪数属性,从而视情况将想象竞合犯分别划入实质一罪与科刑一罪,从一重处断或从一重从重处断,极特殊情况下则数罪并罚。 The criteria for judging the quantity of the crimes serve as the core content and also are the premises of deepening related contents in this area. The law communities have determined varied criteria controversial to each other, some of which are either obscure in explaining, which makes it hard to exercise the criteria, or scanty in the factors that need to be taken into consideration, which makes it hard to expose the substance of the crime. Based on the substance of the criminal features and the aim of punishment, considering accusation, legal interest and the necessity of punishment in order, discovering the criminal substance leads to the principles to determine the judgment. As for the crucial theory component of the quantity of the crimes, the previous theory of the reconstruction of the principle of punishment for imaginative joinder of offenses and the essence of the quantity of the crimes is seemly lacking in analysis. Amending the previous primitive approach of judging the crime based on the heaviest one and based on progressive judging method with the essence of he quantity of the crimes takes on a new look. To categorize imaginative joinder of offenses into substantial one crime and one crime in penalty and to judge based on the heaviest crime or judge more severely based on the heaviest one is an advisable new practice. Only for extremely special cases, will combined punishment for several offenses still be acceptable.

关 键 词: 罪数标准 递进式判断法 法益侵害 预防必要性 想象竞合


作者 施斌斌
作者 卢一峰
作者 薛锐
作者 周郑屹
作者 曹丽丽


机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东松山职业技术学院
机构 中山大学法学院法律系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚