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Research on the Examining Process of Scientific Evidence:Based on the Comparative Analysis between China and the USA

作  者: (陈邦达);

机构地区: 华东政法大学中国法治战略研究中心,上海201620

出  处: 《现代法学》 2017年第4期150-165,共16页

摘  要: 科学证据质证程序是法庭甄别"伪科学"证据的重要途径,也是保障法官采信科学证据程序正当的基石。由于科学证据的专业性极强,其质证是实践的棘手难题。通过比较中美两国科学证据质证程序,分析审判中心改革下如何完善我国科学证据质证程序。考察美国科学证据质证程序相关的证据开示、交叉询问两个阶段,从中归纳域外科学证据质证的经验:以科学证据开示为质证的前置程序,由双方聘请专家证人强化质证,以完善的质证规则规范质证,提高专家证人的中立性。新《刑诉法》实施以来,我国科学证据开示的程序功能孱弱,质证效果不理想,与审判中心改革的要求相悖。必须健全与之相适应的科学证据质证程序,强化证据开示服务于庭审质证的功能,规范鉴定意见书披露的信息范围,健全科学证据质证与采信规则指引质证程序,发挥专家辅助人强化质证的积极作用。 Examining of scientific evidence is a significant method to distinguish forensic science from "junk science" ; it is also the footstone which guarantees judges determining the credibility of scientific evidence in due process. Due to its complexity of technology, examining of such evidence is difficult to handle in practice. Based on the comparative study between China and USA, this paper tries to answer how to face the challenges of judicial reform which places trial as the center. Examining of scientific evidence in USA mainly includes discovery process and the examinations process. Experience behind this process can be summarized as follows: placing disclosure ahead of trial, allowing litigants to appoint experts to strengthen confrontation, establishing rules of evidence to examine evidence, promoting the neutrality of experts. Ever since the new Criminal Procedural Law of People' s Republic of China was implemented, functions of evidence disclosure were too weak, examining effect was not so ideal, thus it is against the requirements of the current judicial reform. We should improve examining process, uncover scientific evidence to promote examining, regulate the summary of forensic appraisals, and promote the positive function of expert assistants.

关 键 词: 科学证据 质证程序 证据规则




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