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The Formation of “Malicious Collusion”and “Concealing an Illegal Purpose under the Disguise of Illegitimate Acts”in the General Provision of Civil Code:Comments on the Stipulations of the General Provision of Civil Code

作  者: (冉克平);

机构地区: 武汉大学法学院,武汉430072

出  处: 《现代法学》 2017年第4期67-80,共14页

摘  要: "恶意串通行为无效"规范旨在保护国家、集体或者第三人的利益,其构成与侵权责任无异,并非建立在意思自治及其瑕疵类型的基础之上,在适用上与通谋虚伪表示、债权撤销权、欺诈、无权处分、心中保留、以合法形式掩盖非法目的、侵权行为等规范均可构成竞合状态。"以合法形式掩盖非法目的"规范的适用状况表明,其不仅可以构成不法虚伪表示与不法隐藏行为,还包括避法行为类型。民法典总则立法应当完全废除"恶意串通"规范,基于意思表示瑕疵的体系思维,以"通谋虚伪表示"取而代之。"以合法形式掩盖非法目的行为"兼有通谋虚伪表示与避法行为规范的双重功能,前者可为"通谋虚伪表示"所替代,后者可被《民法总则》第153条规定的禁止规范所吸收。 The provision of "malicious collusion being invalid" is aimed to protect the interests of the state, the collective or any third party. Same as the responsibility of tort, its constitution is not based on party autonomy and party autonomy' s' defect type. As for implementation, it can combine with conspiring to act without real intention, right of debt revocation, fraud, unauthorized disposition, internal reservation, concealing an illegal purpose under the disguise of legitimate acts or tort to form concurrence. The applicable conditions of "concealing an illegal purpose under the disguise of legitimate acts" indicate that it cannot only constitute ille- gal mendacious expression and illegal concealment, but also include evasion of law. The legislation of the Gen- eral Provision of Civil Code shall completely abolish the stipulation of "malicious collusion" and, based on the systemic thinking of will representation defects, replace it with that of "conspiring to act without real intention". Concealing an illegal purpose under the disguise of legitimate acts covers both conspiring to act without real intention and evading law. The former function can be replaced by itself. The latter one can be absorbed by prohibition norm stipulated by Article 153 of the General Provision of Civil Code.

关 键 词: 恶意串通 合法形式 非法目的 通谋虚伪表示 避法行为 私法自治


作者 曾祥生
作者 艾展刚
作者 邓芸
作者 段斌斌
作者 林鹂


机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 深圳大学法学院
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚