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Review about Yan Ying and Yanzi's Spring and Autumn Annals

作  者: (贾海鹏);

机构地区: 周口师范学院文学院,河南周口466000

出  处: 《上饶师范学院学报》 2017年第4期73-79,84,共8页

摘  要: 晏氏家族成员自桓公时才开始登上齐国政坛。晏婴之祖虽然受到了桓公的重用,却未进入朝廷的核心。晏婴之父晏弱智勇双全,得到灵公青睐,在灭莱一役中立下了卓越功勋。晏婴是晏氏家族从政的巅峰,历仕灵公、庄公、景公三位君主,显名诸侯。晏婴卒后,因受个人才能和历史际遇的影响,其子孙后代逐渐走向衰落。《晏子春秋》是中国最早的独具特色的历史人物传记,初步成书于战国时期的稷下学宫,而与陈无宇有关的一些材料却可能形成于田齐以后。直至西汉刘向奉旨校理群籍,《晏子春秋》才最终成书,流传后世。 Since Duke Huan of Qi came to power, Yan family had started to climb to the politic stage. Though Yan Ying's forefather received plenty of recognition from Duke Huan, he never entered the core part of royal court. Yan Ying's father, Yan Ruo, was wise and brave, so he was appreciated a lot by Duke Ling of Qi and performed immortal feats in the battle of conquering Lai. Yah Ying was the peak of the politic history in Yan family. He served three monarchs, namely Duke Ling of Qi, Duke Zhuang of Qi and Duke Jing of Qi, and was famous among the feudal princes. After Yah Ying died, due to the influence of their personal talents and historical circumstances, his descend- ants headed towards a decline gradually. Yanzi's Spring and Autumn Annals is the earliest and most distinctive his toric biography in China. It was not written by Yan Ying himself, and it was written primarily in the Jixia Academy of Warring States period. However, materials about Chen Wuyu might be formed after the Warring States period. Until in the West Han dynasty Liu Xiang proofread and cleared up famous books at the Emperor's demand, Yanzi's Spring and Autumn Annals finally came out as a book, and was handed down to later generations.

关 键 词: 晏婴 晏子春秋 晏弱


作者 武丽梅
作者 陈伟武
作者 武小平
作者 钟东
作者 杨清华


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
机构 暨南大学文学院中国文化史籍研究所


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚