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The Formation and Influence of American Philhellenes in the Greek War of Independence

作  者: (李泽源);

机构地区: 福建师范大学社会历史学院,福建福州350007

出  处: 《上饶师范学院学报》 2017年第4期65-72,共8页

摘  要: 希腊独立战争期间,美国社会出现了一个特殊的历史群体——亲希人群。他们对希腊革命抱有极大的同情,自发地组织和开展援希活动。这一时期亲希人群的出现绝非偶然,其中不仅蕴含美国早期社会对古典希腊的情感,同时也受到19世纪初期美国社会意识形态的影响。亲希人群及其活动在这一时期展现了鲜明特点,不仅一定程度上援助了希腊的革命战事,同时客观上推动了古典希腊文化在美国社会的传播与兴盛,从一个侧面反映出美国近代早期国际关系及外交政策。 During the Greek War of Independence, in the American society appeared a specific historical crowd--Phil- hellenes.They had great sympathy for Greek revolution~ and spontaneously organized and carried out aid activities.The emergence of Philhellenes in this period was by no means accidental, for, it not only contained the emotions of the early American society for classical Greek but it was also influenced by the American ideology, especially American ideology of the early nineteenth century. The Philhellenes and their activities in this period showed a distinctive feature, not only, to a certain extent, to assist the revolutionary war in Greece, but also to objectively promote the classical culture in the American society~ which reflects the early modern American international relations and foreign policies from one side.

关 键 词: 美国 希腊独立战争 亲希人群 古典希腊




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