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Metaphorical Image chemata of Yiguan in Neo-Confucianism of Zhuxi——a cognitive interpretation of one-li-differentiation

作  者: (鲁进);

机构地区: 上海立信会计金融学院外国语学院,上海201209 喀什大学外国语学院,新疆喀什844006

出  处: 《上饶师范学院学报》 2017年第4期13-18,30,共7页

摘  要: 在"理一分殊"的理学体系中,"一贯"指世上一切(万殊)由一理贯穿,这体现在知和行的实践中。自认知角度看,"一贯"有三个最基本的意象图式:连接图式、容器图式、路径图式。这三个图式互相叠加,形成更复杂的串联关系、发散关系和聚合关系。这些图式隐喻性地赋予"一贯"动态的、结构的、条理性的特点,帮助我们理解"理"与世界的关系。"一贯"的起点和终点都是心。"一贯"在不同空间内所贯穿路径的曲折变化反映了理在不同事物内的特殊性。"一贯"的意象图式说明在理学思维内世界是空间网络状的结构存在,其视角同时兼顾整体和局部。 In the system of one-li-differentiation of neo-Confucianism, "yiguan (consistency) " means li (One) runs through everything and links everything in the world, which is reflected in the practice of learning and action. There are three basic image schemata in "yiguan" : LINK, CONTAINER, and PATH. The three schemata superimpose themselves on each other, forming such three complex relations as series connection, divergence, and convergence, projecting back their structures metaphorically on "yiguan" so that "yiguan" becomes dynamic, structural, and con- sistent. That is helpful for people to interpret the relationship between li and the world, where everything can be viewed as a space. In different spaces, the path of "yiguan" might have various twists and turns, reflecting the peculi- arity of li in different situations. Heart is both the start point and the termination of "yiguan". The image schemata of "yiguan" indicate that our world is a network in our mind, and our perspective on the world need focus on both part and whole.

关 键 词: 一贯 意象图式 隐喻 朱子


作者 张继文
作者 邵静怡
作者 罗丹婷
作者 刘茁
作者 周榕


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学外国语学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚