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The Jurisdiction over Arrest of Ships in the Perspective of the Classification of Maritime Claims

作  者: (马得懿);

机构地区: 华东政法大学国际法学院,上海200042

出  处: 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期1-15,共15页

摘  要: 作为"对物诉讼"和财产保全理论互为折中和协调的产物,船舶扣押管辖权的启动是基于法定的特定范围,即由海事事由引发的海事请求。理解和优化船舶扣押管辖权具有不同的进路,即可扣押船舶范围的界定、错误扣押船舶的救济以及明确海事请求的种类。然而,在海事请求类型化日益盛行、"对物诉讼"模式日渐式微以及航运实践中特定船舶扣押意旨的趋向下,海事请求的类型化以优化船舶扣押管辖权程序成为必然。凸显海事请求的类型化以优化船舶扣押管辖权程序的启动并不是一个孤立的问题。重视当事人的披露义务和强化法院的审慎性审查责任,成为构建富有可行性和合理性的船舶扣押管辖权体系的应然进路。 The initiation of the jurisdiction over arrest of ships,resulting from the compromise and coordination between "action in rem" and property preservation theory,is based upon certain legal maritime claims caused by particular maritime matters.There are different approaches to the understanding of the jurisdiction over arrest of ships,namely,the delimitation of scope of arrest of ships,relief for wrongful arrest of a ship and classification of maritime claims.Given the increasing popularity of the classification of maritime claims,the weakening influence of "action in rem"and special purposes for arrest and release of certain ships in shipping practice,it is inevitable that maritime claims be classified to perfect the procedure of the jurisdiction over arrest of ships.Meanwhile,the highlight of the classification of the maritime claims aims not only at perfecting the jurisdiction procedure,but also at establishing a feasible and rational jurisdiction system over arrest of ships with other efforts,such as increasing the interested parties' obligation of information disclosure and enhancing the court's responsibility of prudent examination.

关 键 词: 海事请求类型化 船舶扣押管辖权 披露义务 审查责任


作者 张铣
作者 吴清发
作者 梁志文
作者 龙著华
作者 罗跃


机构 深圳大学法学院
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 华南理工大学法学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚