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On the Indicator System of the Performance Evaluation of the City Inspectors

作  者: (刘福元);

机构地区: 东北财经大学法学院,大连116025

出  处: 《西南政法大学学报》 2017年第3期62-84,共23页

摘  要: 面对城管执法实践中所存在的一系列问题,设立并完善科学合理的评价/考核机制,有助于以"结果评价"来督促和改进"工作过程",从而进一步推动城管工作的精细化、严格化和规范化。而在城管考核的机制建设中,首要的,也是更为核心的则是考核指标的设置:在考核指标的导向性上,波伊斯特模型能够较为完整地概括出城管考核的主要方向,并与部分地方的规定存在相通之处;在考核指标的设定原则上,根据对4部城管考核规范的分析和总结,其应当遵循全面性原则、真实性原则、可操作性原则并坚持过程和结果并重;而在考核指标的量化评价上,根据对8部城管考核规范的分析和总结,赋分量化方面应当在考核细目与具体赋分、分数分配和扣分规则等方面做到合理设置,计分量化方面则应在分制、计分公式、单独加减分项等方面做到合理设置。 There are many problems in the work of the city inspectors. Establishing a scientific evaluation mechanism will be benefit to the supervision and improvement the working process by using outcome assessment,and further improve the refinement, severization and standardization the work of the city inspectors. When constructing this system,firstly,we shall focus on setting proper indicator system. As to the guidance quality of the indicator system,the model designed by Theodore H. P can completely generalize the main points of performance evaluation,and fit into the local regulations. As to the principle of setting the indicator system,based on the analysis and summary of assessment standard of the performance evaluation of the city inspectors of 4 sections,we shall follow the principle of comprehensiveness,authenticity,feasibility and attach importance to the process and outcome. As to the quantitative evaluation,based on the study of assessment standard of the performance evaluation of the city inspectors of 8 sections,we find that we shall reasonably set the details of evaluation,allocation of points and deduction. We shall also scientifically set the credit system,scoring formula,extra credit and negative points.

关 键 词: 城管考核 指标体系 导向性 设定原则 量化评价


作者 林家有
作者 毛小平
作者 叶国建
作者 何娜
作者 涂萍


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚