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The cause analysis of a strong hail qeather occurred in three corps of Xinjiang in May 2016

作  者: (罗继); (曲良璐); (穆热扎);

机构地区: 新疆自治区阿克苏地区气象台,新疆阿克苏843000

出  处: 《贵州气象》 2017年第4期45-51,共7页

摘  要: 利用FY-2F/G云图、CINRAD/CC雷达、NCEP以及ECWMF、T639细网格资料和阿克苏自动站资料对2016年5月5日兵团1师3团强冰雹天气进行分析。结果表明:天气发生前阿克苏地区形成"上冷下暖、上干下湿"的不稳定层结,中高层干冷空气侵入与地面中尺度辐合线是触发冰雹天气的主要系统;短波槽自身携带水汽和低层东风输送水汽为冰雹天气提供水汽来源,低层东西风辐合与地形抬升作用为对流发展提供初始动力条件。对流云在东移南下的过程中合并加强形成对流复合体,头部有穿透性云顶凸起,尾部有长达250 km卷云砧,TBB<-50℃冷云区面积达750 km2,云体南侧有明显的"弧状云线"。对流单体生命史长达2 h,组织结构完整、有明显的悬垂结构、高悬强回波核、弱回波区和回波墙,风暴顶有类似三体散射的"假象"回波,具有明显的强风暴回波特征。 By using the FY - 2F/G products, CINRAD/CC data, NCEP data, ECWMF data, T639 data and regional meteorological automatism station dam in Aksu, this paper analyzed a strong hail weather in Three Corps of Xinjiang on May 5th. The results show that:The Central Asian short wave trough with transit groove top dry cold air intrusion had triggered this hail weather, Water vapor source was the water vapor carried by the short wave trough itself and the lower layer of the East wind. While the growing convective clouds moved toward to the Southeast it had merged to a convective complex. The head of convective cluster had been penetrating top and tail about length of 250 km cirrus plume. The TBB under - 50℃ of cold cloud area were more than 750 km^2. The front of the convective clouds had appeared a obvious arc cloud line. The Convective development maturity had strong storm echo features, obvious overhanging structure, weak echo region, high strong echo nucleus and storm top appear false echo.

关 键 词: 冰雹 中分析 云图 雷达回波特征




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