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Self-propelled Gun Dynamic Response Simulation Research Based on the Soft-soil Tire

作  者: (刘昕运); (马吉胜); (汪伟); (赵家丰);

机构地区: 军械工程学院火炮工程系,河北石家庄050003

出  处: 《火炮发射与控制学报》 2017年第3期25-30,共6页

摘  要: 为掌握某型自行火炮在几种典型软土地面上的行驶与射击动态响应规律,探索前轮车辙对后轮的影响,基于多体系统动力学软件ADAMS和有限元软件ABAQUS,建立自行火炮刚柔耦合行驶与射击动力学模型。使用soft-soil轮胎模型,考虑各种土壤的弹塑性、承压特性、剪切特性和轮胎变形等因素,全面分析火炮行驶与行进间射击关键位置的动态响应,得到相比于不考虑前后轮车辙影响的区别和特点。获得更加真实的考虑了地面环境的结论,进一步为作战地面参数化构建技术以及车辆振动干扰研究等提供参考依据。 In order to master the self-propelled gun driving and shooting law of dynamic response on the several typical soft soil ground, and explore the impact of the front wheel rut on the rear wheel, based on multi-body system dynamics software ADAMS and finite element software ABAQUS, estab- lished is the self-propelled gun driving and shooting dynamics model of rigid-flexible coupling. By using soft-soil tire model, and in view of various soil factors of plasticity, pressure properties, shear properties, and tire deformation, a comprehensive analysis was made of dynamic response of key posi- tions in guns driving and firing, with the difference and characteristics obtained in comparison with the case in which the impact of the front and rear rut is not considered. Finally, the more realistic conclu- sions are drawn in view of the ground environment, which further provides references for combat re- gional parameterized construction technology and vehicle vibration interference research.

关 键 词: 轮式自行火炮 松软土壤 轮胎模型 车辙 动态响应




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