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Tourists visiting impact on microclimate and the risk analysis of Wei-Jin dynasty tombs,Jiayuguan,China

作  者: (刘洪丽); (王旭东); (张正模); (郭青林); (陈港泉); (张晓东);

机构地区: 兰州大学土木工程与力学学院,兰州735000 敦煌研究院保护研究所,敦煌736200

出  处: 《地球环境学报》 2017年第4期347-356,366,共11页

摘  要: 游客参观使墓葬微气候处于不断波动状态,对文物安全构成了潜在威胁。选取嘉峪关魏晋六号和七号墓葬作为研究对象,通过微气候环境监测,分析两座墓葬室内温度、相对湿度和CO_2浓度变化规律,阐明游客参观对墓葬文物保存环境的影响。结合病害调查分析结果,揭示游客参观引发微气候波动可能造成的风险。研究表明,六号墓葬日游客量为174人时,室内温度、相对湿度、CO_2浓度平均值分别为14.4℃、68.0%、3.62 g?m^(-3),标准偏差分别为1.0℃、3.7%、1.57 g?m^(-3)。团队连续性参观引起的微气候波动比散客间断性参观显著,每组游客的参观时间间隔10 min左右,可有效降低墓室内CO2气体的累积。游客参观结束,随着围岩体的水热传导,墓室内空气温度逐渐降低,相对湿度逐渐升高,分别达到13.0℃,71.2%时趋于稳定。七号墓葬没有游客参观,墓室微气候基本保持相对稳定,监测期间,温度、相对湿度和CO2浓度平均值分别为11.4℃、83.1%和0.90 g?m^(-3)。两座墓葬除了开放状态不同,大小、形制、建造工艺及材质、赋存环境均较为相似。根据病害调查分析结果,六号墓内砖壁画发生颜料层脱落、盐害和微生物侵蚀的面积大于七号墓,据此推断,游客参观增加了墓葬文物发生病害的风险。为了延缓病害的发生、发展,亟需开展墓葬微气候环境控制,设定合理的室内温度、相对湿度和CO_2浓度控制范围,在保障墓葬文物安全的前提下,满足游客参观需求。 Background, aim, and scope Due to the visiting of tourists, the original dynamic equilibrium of microclimate inside of the tomb is destroyed, which is a potential threat to the cultural relics. In order to analysis the variation of micro-environment under the influences of visitors, on No. 6 and 7 tomb from the Wei-Jin dynasty tombs were selected as research objects. They are quite similar in size, shape, construction material and technology, and buried environment, the only difference is that No. 6 tomb is opening to tourists and the No. 7 tomb is usually forbidden to public. Materials and methods In this study, through microclimate monitoring, the indoor temperature, relative humidity and CO: concentration variation were analyzed in these tombs. The possible risks caused by tourists were revealed combing with the investigation and analysis of the diseases in the tombs. Results The study shows when there are 174 visitors in No. 6 tomb, the average value of indoor temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration is 14.4℃, 68%, and 3.62 g·m -3, with the standard deviation of 1 ℃, 3.7% and 1.57 g· m-3 respectively. After visiting, along with the moisture and heat transfer with the rock body, the indoor air temperature inside gradually decreased, while the relative humidity increased gradually, reached 13℃ and 71.2% respectively, and then tended to be stable. No. 7 tomb is closed to tourists, its microclimate is relatively stable, during the monitoring period, with indoor temperature, relative humidity and average CO: concentration of 11.4~C, 83.1% and 0.90 g-rn^3 respectively. Discussion Continuous visiting of the tourist teams caused more significant micro-climate fluctuation than the intermittent visiting of the individual tourist. If the interval between two visits is about 10 min will effectively reduce the accumulation of CO: in the tomb. Conclusions Under the influence of the visitors, microclimate inside of No. 6 tomb fluctuated than No. 7. From the investigation and analysis of the diseases,

关 键 词: 魏晋墓 微气候 游客参观 温湿度 浓度 风险分析


作者 安强
作者 商志
作者 林永昌
作者 杨豪
作者 张小贵


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学旅游学院
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚