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Effects of cyclical deficit re-watering irrigation and nitrogen coupling on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of Coffea arabica

作  者: (郝琨); (刘小刚); (韩志慧); (余宁); (伍进波); (周林); (杨启良);

机构地区: 昆明理工大学现代农业工程学院,云南昆明650500

出  处: 《排灌机械工程学报》 2017年第7期616-626,共11页

摘  要: 为了探明小粒咖啡水氮管理模式,试验通过4个灌水处理(充分灌水W1、轻度亏缺+充分复水W2、中度亏缺+充分复水W3和重度亏缺+充分复水W4)和3个施氮处理(高氮N1、中氮N2和低氮N3),研究了周期性亏缺灌溉及复水下不同水氮组合对温室小粒咖啡生长形态、光合特性及干物质累积的影响.结果表明,相同施氮处理下,与W4相比,增加灌水量,株高增长7.06%~20.07%,地上部分各器官干物质累积量增加53.71%~85.97%,亏缺灌水时净光合速率和蒸腾速率分别增加6.60%~27.16%和6.06%~20.31%.相同灌水处理下,与N3相比,增加施氮量,株高增长6.49%~20.78%,地上部分各器官干物质累积量增加10.89%~19.62%.与处理W4N3相比,提高水氮用量的同时能显著提高小粒咖啡株高、茎粗、冠幅、叶片数、新梢长度及新枝个数的增长量,可使地上部分各器官干物质累积量增加17.82%~195.36%,其中处理W1N1的干物质累积增加量最大,其次是处理W2N2的.亏缺灌水时,随着水氮的增加,净光合速率增大7.15%~41.07%;亏缺灌溉后复水,小粒咖啡的各项光合指标之间无明显差异,其中轻度亏缺+复水(W2)与充分灌水(W1)差异最小.因此,从高效节水、增加干物质累积量角度考虑,小粒咖啡的最佳水氮组合模式为W2N2. To explore a suitable water and nitrogen management mode for Coffea arabica, the growth morphology, photosynthetic characteristics and dry matter accumulation of greenhouse Coffea arabica under cyclical deficit re-watering irrigation were studied by using four irrigation treatments ( W1 - suffi- cient irrigation, W2 - slight deficit + sufficient re-watering, W3 - moderate deficit + sufficient re-wa- tering, W4 -severe deficit + sufficient re-watering) and three nitrogen treatments (Nl -high nitro- gen, N2 -middle nitrogen, N3 -low nitrogen). The results show that the plant height and dry matter accumulation of various organs above-the-ground are increased respectively by 7.06% -20.07% and 53.71% -85.97% under increased water irrigation condition compared with W4, while the net photo- synthetic rate and transpiration rate are increased by 6.60% -27.16% and 6.06% -20.31% under deficit irrigation condition at the same nitrogen level. Compared with N3, the plant height and dry mat- ter accumulation of various organs above-the-ground are increased by 6.49% -20.78% and 10.89% - 19.62% because of increased nitrogen at the same irrigation level. Compared with W4N3, the plant height, stem diameter, crown width, number of leaves, new shoot length and number of new shoots in- crease with increasing water and nitrogen, especially, the dry matter accumulation of various organs above-the-ground is increased by 17.82% - 195.36%, and the largest and lowest increments occur in W1 N1 and W2N2, respectively. The net photosynthetic rate rises by 7.15% -41.07% with increasing water and nitrogen in deficit irrigation. After re-watering, however, there is no significant difference in the photosynthetic indexes, and the least difference is identified between slight deficit + re-watering ( W2 ) and full irrigation ( W1 ). Therefore, from a high efficiency water saving and dry matter accumu- lation increasing point of view, the best combination of water and nitrogen mode is W2N2 for Coffea arabica.

关 键 词: 小粒咖啡 亏缺灌溉 复水 氮肥 生长量 干物质 光合特性



机构 韶关学院英东农业科学与工程学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚