作 者: (周世强); (李忠); (黄金燕); (刘巅); (张明春); (周小平); (张和民);
机构地区: 中国大熊猫保护研究中心,四川都江堰611830
出 处: 《生态学杂志》 2017年第9期2403-2411,共9页
摘 要: 本研究的目的是通过分析不同时期林分各层植物覆盖度的变化,了解冷箭竹(Bashania faberi)的自然恢复进程以及各层植物之间的相互作用。为此,在四川卧龙国家级自然保护区的冷杉-铁杉林内设置固定样地(n=7),1984—2013年分3~4次调查了样地中各层植物的覆盖度。结果表明,更新竹林的竹子盖度逐年增加,2013年达到60%以上;残存竹林的竹子盖度变化呈单峰模式,表现出先增长、到达峰值后下降的趋势;草本植物层和地被层相似,随着竹子的更新恢复,盖度低于开花枯死期;乔木林冠层的覆盖度,虽然1984年和2013年之间的显著性检验差异明显,但两年的绝对值相差较小,大约0.60%~18.89%;样地(或斑块)间的不同变化趋势主要与其所处林分的立地条件差异有关。本文还初步尝试了不同时期竹子盖度空间分布的可视化,有利于人们更为直观地洞察竹子恢复过程中的空间动态格局。 Arrow bamboo (Bashania faberi) is one of the major staplefood species for wild giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). In the spring of 1983, massive flowering and dieoff of arrow bamboos occurred in Wolong, Sichuan. The goal of this study is to understand the natural regeneration process of arrow bamboo, a dominant understory species beneath the canopy of AbiesTsuga forests, and the relationship between vegetation layers by analyzing the coverage change during different stages of the regeneration process. We measured the coverage of trees, herbs and moss, and bamboos in seven permanent plots in an oldgrowth AbiesTsuga forest in Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China from 1984 to 2013. Arrow bamboo died off in 1983 in six of the seven forest plots. The results showed that, except for two plots, the bamboo coverage in the regenerative bamboo forests was increasing since the dieoff, reaching 60% in 2013. The coverage change of the remnant bamboo forests exhibited a unimodal pattern. The coverage of the herb and moss layers in subsequent years was lower than that of the bamboo dieoff phase in five plots. The results from the KruskaiWallis test revealed a significant difference in canopy coverage between 1984 and 2013; however, the difference of canopy coverage was minor between those two years, ranging from 0.60% to 18.89%. The difference in coverage change patterns among the seven forest plots was mainly related to site conditions. In addition, we also tried to visualize the bamboo coverage across different time periods, which helped to intuitively understand the spatial dynamic patterns of bamboo coverage during the regeneration process of bamboo forest.