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温度胁迫对日本鳗草(Zostera japonica)叶际可培养细菌的影响
Effects of rising temperature on phyllosphere culturable bacteria of Zostera japonica

作  者: (韩秋影); (张泽玉); (刘红霞); (刘伟妍); (张晓黎);

机构地区: 海南热带海洋学院,海南三亚572022 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,中国科学院海岸带环境过程与生态修复重点实验室,山东烟台264003

出  处: 《生态学杂志》 2017年第9期2564-2571,共8页

摘  要: 叶际微生物对海草的生理代谢和生态功能具有重要意义,目前全球温度升高对日本鳗草叶际微生物的影响还不明确。本研究在实验室条件下通过梯度升温(26、28、30和32℃)胁迫实验,利用培养分离、RFLP分型、测序和系统发育分析等手段,研究了温度升高对日本鳗草叶际可培养细菌的影响。随着温度的升高,叶际可培养细菌的数量先增加后降低,32℃数量最多。共分类获得363株菌株,分为24个OTU,均来自α和γ-变形菌纲,未发现所有温度梯度共有的OTU。海单胞菌(Marinomonas)为最优势的类群,其在28℃相对丰度最高,达到86.8%;假单胞菌(Pseudomonas)和Thalassospira属细菌随温度升高锐减;海杆菌属(Marinobacter)和弧菌(Vibrio)在30℃被富集;而32℃时,红螺菌科(Rhodobacteraceae)和玫瑰杆菌(Ruegeria)激增。26和32℃细菌的多样性和均匀度较高,28℃最低。 Phyllosphere microorganisms play an important role in physiological metabolism and ecological functions of seagrasses. Little is known about the effects of rising temperature on phyllosphere culturable bacteria of Zostera japonica. The abundance, composition, diversity and distribution of phyllosphere culturable bacteria under 26, 28, 30 and 32 ℃ were studied by isolation, counting, RFLP, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. The abundance of bacteria under different temperatures showed a pattern of 32 ℃〉28 ℃〉26 ℃〉30 ℃. A total of 363 strains were isolated and divided into 24 OTUs. No common OTU was found across all temperatures. All strains derived from α and γproteobacteria, and Marinomonas was the most dominant phyla, which accounted for 86.8% of total abundance under 28 ℃. Pseudomonasand Thalassospira sharply decreased with rising temperature; Marinobacter and Vibrio were enriched under 30 ℃, while Rhodobacteraceae and Ruegeria sharply increased under 32 ℃. The diversity and evenness of phyllosphere culturable bacteria were much higher under 26 and 32 ℃, while the lowest under 28 ℃.

关 键 词: 温度胁迫 日本鳗草 叶际细菌 海草床




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