机构地区: 河南大学新闻与传播学院,河南开封475001
出 处: 《编辑之友》 2017年第9期97-102,共6页
摘 要: 借助梵·迪克话语分析理论中的内容研究方法,文章以"题材话语"和"思想话语"为切入点,对民国处于不同发展阶段的新闻述评进行了分析,并认为"题材话语"是围绕"服务事实、侧重军政"展开,而"思想话语"则围绕"意在抗争、旨在宣传"展开。同时认为,民国报刊新闻述评之所以呈现出上述话语特征,是对救亡图存和国富民强追求的外在使命的结果,也是中国传统文化潜移默化的内在传承的影响。 In order to explain the differences between news narration and comments, the article analyzes the discourse of news narration and comments in the period of the Republic of China. On the base of deep analysis, the article summarizes two characters of theme and ideology, and presents the reason behind them. At the same time, the study thinks the two characteristics are closely related to mission of journalism at that time, and the unique cultural tradition of China.