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Influence of Multiple Scattering Centers with Various Attributes on Radar Angular Measurements

作  者: (郭琨毅); (牛童瑶); (盛新庆);

机构地区: 北京理工大学信息与电子学院,北京100081

出  处: 《电子与信息学报》 2017年第9期2238-2244,共7页

摘  要: 角闪烁是末制导阶段角跟踪误差的主要来源,如果对角闪烁处理不当会增大雷达跟踪目标的误差,甚至丢失目标。通过脉冲压缩获得高分辨距离像是抑制角闪烁的一种有效方法,但仍不能完全消除测角误差。研究发现高分辨成像对角闪烁的抑制效果与散射中心类型以及其方位特性相关。该文从理论上分析了局部型、分布型、滑动型等不同的散射中心类型对角跟踪产生的影响,然后通过全波法电磁计算结果验证理论分析结论。该文研究结论对于抑制角闪烁、改善和提高雷达跟踪目标的性能具有参考价值。 Angular glints are the main error sources for radar angular measurement in the terminal guidance, which may result larger tracking error or even lead to losses of the tracking if mishandled. Although the angle glint can be suppressed to some extent through Higher Range Resolution Profile (HRRP) processing, the tracking errors due to multiple scattering centers can not be thoroughly eliminated. It is found in this paper that the tracking errors are closely related with the attributes of scattering centers. The influence on angular measurements induced by scattering centers with various attributes is investigated theoretically and numerically in this paper. For high reliability of numerical results, the scattering responses of extended targets are simulated by the scattered fields computed by the full-wave numerical method in this paper. The reached conclusion of this paper can provide a theoretical reference for the techniques in order to improve the tracing accuracy of extended targets with multiple scattering centers.

关 键 词: 雷达测角 角闪烁 散射中心类型




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