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Research on Classification and Regulation and Control of Housing Market from the Perspective of Supply-side Reform--Taking 35 Large and Medium Cities in China As An Example

作  者: (周义); (余玫容);

机构地区: 华中农业大学公共管理学院,湖北武汉434400

出  处: 《税务与经济》 2017年第5期29-37,共9页

摘  要: 尽管目前住房市场供给侧结构性改革的主要任务是"去库存",但从全国大局来看,其核心内涵仍是不同地区根据实际住房市场供给水平、需求能力以及住房市场性质等因素,协调好供给侧与需求侧的关系,即选择供给侧、需求侧两者相结合的针对性调控政策。运用四象限模型将住房调控政策划分为供给侧扩张、供给侧收缩、需求侧扩张、需求侧收缩四类政策,运用主成分分析和聚类分析的方法将全国35个大中城市划分为A、B、C、D四类城市:不同城市的住房市场类型不同,其适用的供给侧、需求侧调控政策明显不同。长远来看,为了提高住房调控政策效率,加快我国住房供给侧结构性改革步伐,促进我国住房市场的健康发展,需要在把握相关政策适用性条件的基础上,匹配城市住房市场实际情况因城施政、分城调控。 At present,the major task of the structural supply-side reform of housing market is to destock. But from the whole,its core is to coordinate the relation between supply-side and demand-side according to the real housing market supply level,the demand capacity and the nature of housing market,which means the control policy that is the combination of supply-side and demand-side is sensible. The four-quadrant model is applied in this paper to divide the housing control policy into four categories: supply-side expansion,supply-side contraction,demand-side expansion and demand-side contraction. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis are used to put 35 large and medium cities in China into A,B,C,and D groups: the applicable control policies of supply-side and demand-side are significantly different because of the different types of housing markets in different cities. Therefore,in the long run,in order to improve the efficiency of housing control policies and accelerate the pace of structural reform of housing supply-side in China,it is important to handle the actual conditions of the relevant policies. In addition,it is still crucial to take different policies,regulate and control the housing markets in different cities according to their actual situations of urban housing market so as to promote the healthy development of housing market in China.

关 键 词: 供给侧改革 四象限模型 住房市场 住房政策 分类调控


作者 曹晶
作者 但鸣啸
作者 王宇锋
作者 黄学军
作者 李嘉莉


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学
机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚