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“Form” and the Public Order in a Quasi-Natural Community in Rura China:On A Dictionary of Maqiao

作  者: (肖瑛); (孙绍文);

机构地区: 上海大学社会学院

出  处: 《开放时代》 2017年第5期144-165,共22页

摘  要: 过往研究中国乡土社会的团结、分化和变动机制的文献大多赋予乡土社会以积极、理性的面貌。与这类文明化的乡土社会想象不同,《马桥词典》刻画的是一个准自然的乡土社会。在马桥,"格"看似是个人性的,实则是集体的等级性的拟亲属社会网络即差序格局,每个成年男性及其家庭都根据其所掌握的资源的类型和数量而被安排在其中的某个节点上,拥有具体的"格",获得相应的亲属性称呼和"话份"。"格"不经意地构建和维系着马桥的共同体秩序,并以不变应万变地在地化外来的政治、经济、人情和文化力量。"格"的长期稳定和有效一方面取决于它作为共同体成员非反思的自然态度的内在构成性部分,另一方面源于马桥共同体的"社会密度"的长期稳定。对"格"的考察,丰富了对乡土社会和"差序格局"的多重面相的理解,对思考变迁时期乡村公共性重建亦有启示。 Most of the literature on rural China conceive their object as civilized and rational.But in A Dictionary of Maqiao,the Maqiao village described there is a quasi-natural rather than civilized community.In this community,each adult male and his family has a certain position,a"form",that their resources would place them in a hierarchical social network.Attached to this"form"is the corresponding kinship title of the adult male and his right to speak in the village.The special"form"is the embodiment of a stratified pseudo-kin network which structures the community,giving the latter its solidarity and constructed public order.We call the stratified pseudo-kin network chaxu geju(the pattern of difference sequence).In Maqiao,chaxu geju enjoys long-term stability due to two reasons.First,it constitutes the unreflective"stock of knowledge at hand"and"natural altitude"of the members of Maqiao as a commonwealth.Second,it owes its persistence to the long-term stability of the social density of Maqiao.

关 键 词: 马桥词典 准自然社会 差序格局 公共性


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机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 广东技术师范学院


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作者 康超
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