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Space War:New Perspective of International Security

作  者: (冯昭奎);

机构地区: 中国社会科学院,北京100044

出  处: 《国际安全研究》 2017年第5期3-25,共23页

摘  要: 随着军事航天技术迅速发展,太空军事化已成为不可阻挡的发展趋势。太空军事化主要表现为两方面:导弹和反导弹系统的矛盾较量和卫星与反卫星武器的矛盾较量。这两对矛盾不断激化而且相互交错,构成了未来发生"太空战争"的主要物质基础。从20世纪50年代甚至更早,导弹与反导弹系统的矛盾斗争就已开始,特别是在60年代中期,美苏展开了旨在"确保相互摧毁"的以洲际核弹道导弹为中心的军备竞赛。为了应对进攻性洲际弹道核导弹的发展,美苏在20世纪五六十年代相继开始研制和部署反弹道导弹防御系统。导弹与反导弹系统的矛盾较量从冷战时期一直延续下来,直至2017年"萨德"入韩在相关大国间引起激烈争端。1957年苏联发射第一颗人造卫星后,美苏迅速开始研制和发射军事卫星,卫星与反卫星武器的矛盾斗争也随之开始。1991年海湾战争中美国的军事卫星发挥了重要作用,以致这场战争被称为"最初的太空战争"。太空是在新科技革命强力驱动下发生深刻变化的国际安全战略新空间、新领域,我们必须高度重视关乎国家安全顶层设计的太空军事战略课题。 With the rapid development of military space technology,militarization of space has become an unstoppable trend. Space militarization mainly covers two aspects: the confrontation between missiles and anti-missile systems as well as that between satellites and anti-satellite weapons. These two pairs of confrontations are intertwined and constantly intensifying,constituting the primary material basis for future'space war'. The confrontation between the missile and antimissile systems can be traced back to the Cold War period and back even further in history and continued in the following years until 2017 when the THAAD issue has caused a heated dispute among relevant major powers. Shortly after the Soviet Union launched its first manmade satellite in 1957,the technology was applied to the development and launching of military satellites by the United States and the Soviet Union and the confrontation between satellites and anti-satellite weapons ensued. Since the US military satellites played an important role in the Gulf War in 1991,the war was considered as the prototype of space war. It is imperative that greater importance should be attached to the strategic task of China 's space security and military strategy at the top-level designing now that space has been widely acknowledged as the new technology-driven realm of international security strategy.

关 键 词: 航天技术 导弹与反导弹系统 卫星与反卫星武器 太空军事化 太空战争




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