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Adaptation of traits and biomass allocation of Pedicularis longiflora to different slope aspects in an alpine meadow

作  者: (王丽华); (高景); (王金牛); (徐波); (孙建); (朱忠福); (许积层); (吴彦);

机构地区: 阿坝师范学院,阿坝623202 中国科学院成都生物研究所,成都610041

出  处: 《应用与环境生物学报》 2017年第4期648-657,共10页

摘  要: 长花马先蒿(Pedicularis longiflora)是一种传统药用植物,广泛分布在高山草地及溪流旁等处.为了更好地开发、利用和保护该药用植物,从植物性状和生物量分配着手,探讨其对环境变化的适应性,首先测定不同坡向基本环境因子,然后对比不同坡向长花马先蒿的叶片性状、叶片数目、株高及其之间的相关性和权衡关系,其次从生物量分配的角度探究该植物对不同坡向的适应对策,进而阐述该植物性状及生物量指标与环境因子的回归关系,最后从功能性状到个体生物量进行尺度上推.结果表明,长花马先蒿主要通过调整比叶面积适应不同的坡向生境,西南坡植株的比叶面积为(175.272±6.597)cm2/g,比东南坡植株大.长花马先蒿成对器官生物量之间均为等速生长关系(α=1),给定茎生物量时,西南坡植株的叶生物量相对更大,形成更有利于光合作用的适应对策,而东南坡植株更多地投入到繁殖器官,使种群得以更好延续,其生物量分配受等速生长关系的限制,同时在环境因子的影响下,存在着"最优分配".温度和群落内竞争是影响该植物性状和生物量分配的主要因素,从药用植物资源保育的角度考虑,长花马先蒿人工繁育过程需要适宜的生长温度,并减少群落内的物种竞争.因此,在环境因子的作用下长花马先蒿的性状和生物量分配存在一定的权衡和适应,这可为该药用资源的开发和利用提供支撑. The traditional Chinese herbal medicine Pedicularis longiflora is distributed in alpine meadows or beside streams as a typical alpine plant. For better protecting and utilizing P. longiflora, it is crucial to study its adaptation to environmental changes, which was investigated in this study with a focus on the differentiation of the plant functional traits and biomass allocation of P. longiflora at two slope aspects. By measuring the detailed environmental factors at two slope aspects in an alpine meadow of Mt. Kaka, the eastern Tibetan Plateau, firstly, leaf traits, leaf number, and plant height of P. longiflora as well as their correlation and trade-off relationships between the south-east and south-west slopes were compared. Secondly, the adaptation strategies of P. longiflora to comparable habitats were explored from the biomass partitioning perspective at different slope aspects. Furthermore, regression analysis was performed to assess the relationships among the traits, biomass indices, and environmental factors. Lastly, the study was scaled up from plant traits to individual biomass for comprehensive understanding of the ecological adaptability of P. longiflora. The results showed that P. longiflora mainly adapted to environmental changes through specific leaf area (SLA), which was 175.272 ± 6.597 cm2/g greater at the south-west slope than that of the individuals at the south-east slope. Isometric scaling (α = 1) existed in paired organ biomass of P. longiflora, indicating that genetic regulation played a crucial role in biomass partitioning. In addition, with fixed stem biomass, P. longiflora had relatively greater leaf biomass for better photosynthesis at the south-west slope than at the south-east slope. At the south-east slope, P. longiflora allocated more biomass to reproductive organs to enhance their population maintenance. Temperature and competition within the community were the major factors influencing and regulating biomass allocation and morphological traits of P. longiflora. Biomas

关 键 词: 环境因子 叶片性状 株高 权衡 等速生长 最优分配理论


作者 廖国华


机构 华南农业大学


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