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Analysis on Professor LIU Wei-sheng's Herbal Administration Experience for Lung Cancer by Using Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance System

作  者: (黄俊廷); (刘宇); (黄楚栓); (胡绚); (黄凯锋); (庾慧);

机构地区: 广州中医药大学第二临床医学院,广州510405

出  处: 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 2017年第17期222-227,共6页

摘  要: 目的:基于中医传承辅助系统(V2.5)探讨刘伟胜教授治疗肺癌的中医用药经验及组方规律。方法:收集刘伟胜教授在广东省中医院2016年2月至2017年2月门诊接诊的肺癌病例为研究对象,提取处方,建立数据库,采用该软件集成的规则分析、改进互信息法、复杂系统熵聚类及无监督的熵层次聚类等数据挖掘方法,挖掘分析用药经验。结果:纳入患者290例,并录入处方290个,使用中药共148味。确定处方中药物的使用频次和药物之间的关联规则,其中使用频次高于65的中药共24味,使用频次最高的前5味药依次为半枝莲(267),白花蛇舌草(265),全蝎(238),桃仁(228),淫羊藿(221),5味药所对应的常用剂量分别为20,20,10,10,15 g;支持度为185,置信度为0.95时,共有药物组合32组,使用频次最高的前5位药物组合依次为白花蛇舌草-半枝莲(259),全蝎-半枝莲(226),白花蛇舌草-全蝎(223),白花蛇舌草-全蝎-半枝莲(220),桃仁-半枝莲(218);设置相关度为9,惩罚度为2,演化出22个药物核心组合及11首新方。结论:刘伟胜教授临证以"攻毒扶正"为根本,强调癌毒是肺癌发生的直接因素,而正气不足是肺癌发病的关键,临证主张清热毒、破瘀毒、化痰毒并注重顾护脾肾之气,尤以温补肾阳为主。 Objective: To analyze the experience and herbal prescription rules of professor LIU Weisheng in treating lung cancer by using the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) inheritance system (V2. 5 ) software. Method: We collected the prescriptions used for lung cancer cases at Professor LIU's clinic in the Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine from February 2016 to February 2017, and screened the prescriptions to establish a formula database. Based on association rules, revised mutual information, complex system entropy cluster, unsUpervised hierarchical clustering and other data mining methods, the principle experience and rules were analyzed and summarized. Result: Totally 290 cases were included, with 290 prescriptions and 148 herbs. The frequency of each herb and association rules of the herbs included in the database were identified. A total of 24 herbs had a frequency of more than 65, and top 5 herbs with high using frequency were Scutellariae Barbatae Herba (267) , Hedyotidis Herba (265) , Scorpio (238) , Persicae Semen (228) , and Epimedii Folium (221) , whose common clinical dosage was 20, 20, 10, 10, and 15 g respectively. There were 32 combinations of related herbs with degree of support level of 185 and the confidence level of O. 95. Top 5 herb combinations of high using frequency were Hedyotidis Herba-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba (259), Scorpio- Scutellariae Barbatae Herba (226) , Hedyotidis Herba-Scorpio (223) , Hedyotidis Herba-Scorpio-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba (220) , and Persicae Semen-Scutellariae Barbatae Herba (218). With association degree of 9 and punishment degree of 2, 22 groups of core herbs combinations and 11 new prescriptions were developed. Conclusion: Professor LIU Wei-sheng mainly used herbs of eliminating cancer toxin and strengthening the benefit- Qi in treating lung cancer. He advocated expelling toxic heat, removing blood stasis, resolving phlegm and underlined the protection of spleen Qi and kidney with a particul

关 键 词: 原发性支气管肺癌 中医传承辅助系统 刘伟胜 用药经验 攻毒扶正




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