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Circular-motion Mechanism and Clincial Application of Lizhong Pill

作  者: (陈金凤); (张人文); (莫灼锚); (舒新农); (唐树杰);

机构地区: 暨南大学中医学院,广东广州510632

出  处: 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 2017年第8期194-196,共3页

摘  要: 理中丸是《伤寒论》的经典方剂,为调理中焦之虚寒之证,功效温中祛寒、补气健脾。中焦虚寒实为中气虚,则气机升降失衡。中气足,则中轴有足够的驱动能量,轴转轮行,使中焦脾胃升降气机遵循圆的作用轨道,其本质蕴含着深刻的"圆运动"的思想。"圆运动"是宇宙与人体都有内在本质的圆运动结构[1],同时也是维持气机运动的枢轴,对人体的作用举足轻重。理中丸具有调理中焦气机,调节体内圆运动,对论治中焦脾胃疾病具有重要的临床指导意义,为此阐述理中丸的圆运动机理及临床应用。 Lizhong Pill is a classic recipe in Treatise on Febrile Diseases, to regulate the asthenia cold syndrome, which have function of warming middle energizer to dispel cold, replenishing Qi for strengthening. Asthenia cold syndrome essence is the deficiency of middle Qi, and ascending and descending disorder of activities of Qi. Middle Qi is sufficiency, that have enough energy for driving middle axis, whieh's roation drive wheel running, making the ascending and descending activities of middle energizer Qi of spleen and stomach follow the effect of circular orbit, its essence contains profound thought of "circle-motion" . Circle-motion is the universe and the human body has the inherent nature of the circular motion structure, but also to maintain the pivot of Qi movement, the role of the human body. Lizhong Pill can regulating the middle energizer Qi, also adjusting the body in circular motion. It has important clinical significance on treating spleen and stomach disease, which is expounding the mechanism of the circular motion and clinical application of Lizhong Pill in this paper.

关 键 词: 理中丸 圆运动 临床应用




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