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A Comparative Study on the Modality of the Adverbs of “Yiding” and “Biding” and Its Related Problems

作  者: (潘海峰);

机构地区: 同济大学国际文化交流学院,上海200092

出  处: 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第4期106-116,共11页

摘  要: 近义情态副词"一定"与"必定"所表达的情态功能类型不尽相同,且在表达同一类型情态时两词在情态语义和适用语境方面也有差别,这与两词情态语义的演化轨迹有关。两词的情态语义演变都是从非意志性到意志性,其中"一定"是从必要情态演化出意愿情态,"必定"则是从认识情态发展到意愿情态;两词的情态都向言者取向发展,但"一定"的主观性强于"必定"。语义地图可以清晰勾勒出两词情态方面的个性与差异。 "Yiding"(一定) and "Biding"(必定)are two similar modal adverbs,but they differ not only in their types of modal functions but also in modal meanings and applicable contexts when it comes to the same type of modal function.In fact,their differences can be traced back to their difference in modal evolution.The modality of the two words is evolved from non-volitivity to volitivity,and the difference is that "yiding" is evolved from necessity to volitivity while "biding" is evolved from epistemic possibility to volitivity;both are developing towards the speaker-oriented modality.But the subjectivity of "yiding" is stronger than that of "biding".The semantic map can clearly outline the features and difference of the two words in terms of modality.

关 键 词: 一定 必定 情态功能 副词化 语义地图


作者 郎晓秋
作者 周璐
作者 和丹丹
作者 高媛媛
作者 王凤兰


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚